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(2013 journal) What's up by whitefeather

with this trend lately?

I've been seeing this really shitty attitude lately.. .

People/younger people posting journals such as "I wish I could die", or " I wish I could kill myself". I've seen this like 8 times in a month.

Instant unwatch.

I might love talking to you, your art, your characters, or your general attitude, but this is immature and ridiculous. I am at a point where I know and understand that problems come and go. Shit happens, life is hard, you have to work to put a smile on. It's not all rainbows and butterflies all the time. The hard times are exactly what make the fun/happy times so fucking special. However, posting journals like this to get some attention is not cool. If you feel shitty, talk to your bros, hell, come talk to me. I am a 22 year old who's been living by herself more or less successfully since I was 17/18 . I have had experience with "guys" shitty situations, sweet situations, and even one time where a guys i hardly knew found out where my school was and tried to HUNT ME DOWN. I've done the whole "get picked on in high school" like everyone else. My parents had one of those shitty marriages like 60% of america where they stayed together waaayyy to long "for the kids" and we ended up taking the brunt of their aggression and shit. I have lots of "life experience" in bullshit pretty much. I don't and didn't bring this stuff up, because it's not relevant and I am not here to throw myself a pity party. I learned from it, it made me stronger, I moved on.

I am not beyond posting an upset journal, don't get me wrong. I have been up set with living arrangements, people I live/lived with, and even with bryan. Then I will post a ranty sort of journal, just to let off steam. I always feel better later. However, that's not the same thing as saying you want to kill yourself. That is not okay. To also quell any issues, if I HONESTLY THINK something is wrong with my friend/loved one/pal that posted such things. I would most certainly talk to them, honestly attempt to help, as I have done before. However, most of the posts I have seen in the past month or so have been for attention more than anything.

I am also not saying I know everything and can magically fix your shit. I am saying if you need to talk to someone, go talk to them. Especially if you are having a hard time with life, problems seem overwhelming, etc. Not post journals about suicide, those will get you ass pats. If your honest in your statements you don't need ass pats. You need someone to actually talk too.

I lost several friends to suicide, in the same way I have several who practice self harm. (Or used too) They all know how I feel about these things, and over time, loved me for my "you are being an idiot" later in life, the ones that are still hanging around. I miss the ones I lost of course, and I think of them often, but it seriously infuriates me inside, to see some people posting about killing themselves, and then later find out it was something as stupid as "my grades are bad because I haven't been doing my homework and now I lost my i-phone for 2 months...". I want to punch you guys so hard your teeth fly out the back of your head. Seriously though. Stop. Suicide is not okay to joke about, or half joke about, or post shitty journals about to a website of random strangers you hardly know to get attention. You can talk to me, or better yet, talk to your friends. Someone is going to have help and suggestions, and if you are having a seriously hard time, that is what you need.

Suicide - It's a permanent solution, to a temporary set of problems.

(2013 journal) What's up


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    Seeing someone talk about suicide in a journal is very rare to me. But I've seen plenty about journals about people being alone or depressed. I have a lot of chat pals like that. I guess it's not something I can sympathize with. If I'm alone I'll just entertain myself with the unlimited amount of material online. Plus I get plenty of time talking to people on IM so I rarely feel lonely either.

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      This came from Deviant art (lots of 10-18 year olds there) and many of them get sad etc. and instead of finding productive ways to handle it they write things like "I want to kill myself" to get the attention they are craving. It's like a drug high though, lasts a small while and leaves you wanting more. lol. It's just infuriating given my brushes with it in the past.