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Totem rediscovery (from may 2013) by whitefeather

I've been thinking alot on my fursona, what is is and what it should be. I've delved into it quite alot and often. With beltane, my birthday and some other inner stuff going on. I've been thinking about it more than usual.

Originally I always just drew wolves, just because I liked them. But after getting onto the internet and seeing how many drew them and only them all the time. I wanted to not have one, but foxes and such are also VERY overused. So when I went looking around for my totem I went in REALLY open about it. I wanted my sonna to be anything BUT a wolf or fox. In the end I settled for the closest thing to what it really was. Coyote. However I know that it's certainly not coyote. My totem is and has always been fox. I didn't WANT it to be. I DON'T WANT TO BE like a bazillion people who use foxes and wolves because everyone else is using a fox or wolf. UGH, but I've decided I should go with fox. It's just the meaning and all, I wanted to be something different. Like a rat, or raccoon or lizard or bird even. Not because I don't like fox, but because it's been so overused in the fandom of furries. So. Over. Used. I shouldn't let that make my choice for me though.

In case your curious, this GARGANTUAN read below is on the fox totem and it's meanings.
Fox Spirit Symbols:
Cleverness, Cunning, Intelligence, Observation, Stealth, Camouflage, Invisibility, Diplomacy, Deception, Persistence, Patience, Swiftness, Adaptation, Wisdom, Healing, Unpredictability, Creation

Fox Meaning and Medicine:
The spirit of Fox brings with it many different meanings. If the Fox totem has snuck into your life recently take a moment to stop and reflect on some of the following messages:
Camouflage, Observation: Have you recently attracted unwanted attention, have you become disorganized and indecisive? The most prominent characteristic of the fox guide is its ability to become one with its environment. If you've stepped into the middle of an argument or difficult situation it may be time to reduce your presence and role in the confrontation. Step back and evaluate the situation from a distance, be silent and observe the minor details. You'll soon find that pressing into these matters creates resistance, the details should reveal a more subtle route of influence, take it, and you'll find success.
Persistence, Patience: Is the solution to a problem evading you, have you rushed into an important decision? Fox spirit is the grand problem solver, this totem's appearance in your life carries great meaning. The spirit will guide you to solitude and silence until the way out is shown. Like a fox breaking into a chicken coop hit the problem from every angle. Failing that, sit back and wait. Wise old fox spirits will often lay unmoving for hours, playing dead. Curious scavengers that come to investigate find themselves a nasty surprise. The meaning here is that a healthy combination of persistence and patience will strike a balance that picks apart a problem until it is solved.
Diplomacy, Deception: Is a person in your life being difficult, or is someone sticking their nose in your personal business when they shouldn't? The fox guide is one of the most cunning in nature. Pursued foxes will double back on their tracks, cross waters, and climb trees in order to deceive their hunters. Foxes have also been observed dancing about playfully and confusingly nearby prey all the while inching closer and closer. The meaning here is the illusion of paying no attention to their prey until the final moment and pounce, it's over. Failing clever tactics the fox guide brings the message of diplomacy. Camoflage works perfectly for fading away, but also when blending into a social situation. Swallow your pride, try flattery, conform to the desires of your quandary and you'll find them more and more likely to see your point of view without so much as an argument.
Cleverness, Adaptation: Are you having trouble adjusting to a new living situation or job, do you feel like you're barely scraping by? When sly fox totem crosses your path it can be to open your eyes, to make you clever enough to see a situation, not as you wish it to be, but as it IS. Foxes are experts at finding food anywhere; they eat rodents, berries, carrion, insects, eggs, garbage and more. When a situation or environment is difficult don't be stubborn, be fluid, and adaptable, you can find sustenance in the oddest of places. Don't resist your situation, use the symbolism and medicine of adaptation and cleverness, you have all the tools and resources you need to turn money, career, or living difficulties around.

People with Fox Totem are…
• Crafty
• Socially Accepted
• Intelligent
• Great Listeners
• Unpredictable
• Adaptable
• Very Perceptive
The Good:

Like many totems in the canine family Fox people are intensely loyal. In nature foxes typically mate with a single partner or are monogamous. This companionship however is typically only during mating season and foxes spend the majority of their time in their own separate territory.
Fox people are often a joy to watch or be around. They can be energetic, outgoing, personable, and very flattering. Conversely, fox people can also be withdrawn (see below). While not exactly social butterflies fox people can use that sly energy, their keen sense of camouflage to "fit right in". People who possess the power of the fox are great quiet observers and are skilled at remaining unnoticed. This means that they blend into their environment, moving around unnoticed in any kind of company and society.
They can adapt and portray themselves as whoever they need to be in a given interaction. This affinity for fitting in often means fox people are jacks of all trades, taking interest and educating themselves superficially in great number of areas while mastering none. This allows them to chat or small talk with ease whenever they care to. This doesn't mean fox people are disingenuous, people with this totem often really do care and take an active interest in the feelings of those around them.
intelligence or cleverness of fox people can't be understated. People with this totem are very creative problem solvers and can seem eccentric because they are quick to think outside the box. Quick thinking or wit is definitely common tool for a fox person. This quick thinking can translate into "fast talk", or the ability to talk your way into our out of situations by confounding or confusing others. This, and their problem solving, allows fox people to excel in careers and professions of all shapes and sizes.
While young people with this totem often rely on their physical traits of agility and quick thinking, an older fox recognizes that there's a great deal going on behind the scenes and leverages this wisdom of details to their advantage.
The Not so Good:
As mentioned above, despite being socially adaptable many fox people can be emotionally distant or detached. Playing the role of quiet observer or blending constantly into the background is not uncommon. This distance may be a conscious or unconscious choice and used as a defensive mechanism to protect from the pain or disappointment of difficult relationships. Another defensive mechanism is the fox person's fluffy coat which exaggerates this totem's stature. Fox people may talk themselves up or misrepresent their deeds as being greater than they actually are in order to gain favor in others' eyes.
Fox people can be very flighty or airy and can change their minds or direction on a whim. This can be very frustrating to more grounded individuals as it can be hard to keep pace with the capricious behavior of this totem. Also, consider that many with this totem may be a "devil's advocate" or be difficult because they enjoy "the chase" or leading you around by the nose. Because of their clever and insight fox people who aren't careful can be viewed as manipulative or tricksters.
Fox's Message:
Fox brings the message and symbol of camouflage and cunning. The fox totem guides us to use our instincts and creative energies. When we learn to blend into our surroundings and to observe with all of our senses we will be able to anticipate and create the future as we wish it to be.
Lessons from Fox:
The Fox Totem conceals a lot of medicine and good in its little den. Knowing the Fox Spirit and its ways will help you maintain balance and harmony in everything you do. This power animal is renowned for its superb senses.
The Fox has a heightened sense of smell. As a power animal and spirit guide, the Fox will help you to sniff out subtle things in life and alert you to unpleasant and difficult situations.
Fox's keen eyesight carries a message that may teach you to see beyond your ego and to be able perceive the Spirit realms. Look carefully for there is a whole separate world within your gaze.
The Fox has sensitive hearing, it is said that he can hear a mouse from over a hundred feet away. The symbolism here is that listening is often more important than speaking. You may also be able to hear the whispered messages of the Great Spirit.
The Fox has great instincts and is physically and mentally agile. These features symbolize ways to respond quickly to situations by using the power of inner instincts and innate wisdom.
The body of the Fox is quite small in comparison to its canine cousins, but its thick fur coat offers good protection and gives these little guys the appearance of being much larger than they actually are. Focus on your natural gifts, and consider how your appearance affects perception.
Fox spirit comes out of hiding right before dawn or at dusk and often hunts under the cover of darkness. By living between light and darkness, the Fox can perceive both worlds. Notice these transitions, and consider how we all live in different worlds.
They are masters of camouflage. The fox teaches how to grasp the concept of unity with our surroundings and how to use this knowledge wisely on all levels. Being in harmony with one's surroundings is important to people who carry this medicine.
Lastly, Fox totem guides us to good eating habits – not from what it eats, but from the way it eats. The fox is a grazer; it eats small amounts throughout the day and will store any food that is in excess. The Fox spirit is not a picky eater and readily accepts whatever is available. This is a great lesson, as eating small amounts frequently will keep your metabolism burning at a steady rate and give you lasting energy.
Fox in Dreams:
The Fox spirit appears in our dreams to inspire creative energies and instill an overarching awareness. The different ways this animal appears bring many different meanings.
If the fox totem is on the edge or your vision, or barely glimpsed in your dream this means that there is something you need to pay attention to, something that has been evading your grasp.
Foxes that quickly disappear or are seen from hiding places means you should conceal your motivations and actions, be discreet and avoid notice.
When the fox spirit is friendly, or acts very similar to a dog this is a message and symbol to embrace the traits and qualities of this power animal.
If you are afraid of the fox or it seems somehow hostile this can represent one of two things. A fox symbolizes a person in your life that is causing you grief by being manipulative or difficult. Alternatively, you are ignoring important details and it's time you pay attention!
When a fox appears mysteriously, at night, or it pauses in the distance and looks at you, it is a message and symbol to take some time to ponder some issue or reflect upon your life.
Cultural Symbolism:
Foxes have been deified, demonized, and revered in cultures throughout time and history. The fox's traits and features are so strong and symbolic that most peoples have been quick to recognize this power animal as deeply significant and carrying important meaning.
Native American: The Apache tribe credits fox with bringing fire to humans, and many Native American Tribes saw this spirit totem as a protector and healing symbol. Several Native American tribes also believed foxes were powerful shape changers that would take human form.
Celtic: Many Celtic and Gaelic tribes revered the fox as a master of the woods and a symbol of the guide.
Greek/Roman: Ancient Romans and Greeks regarded foxes as fire demons. One story tells of a giant fox, the Teumessian Fox, sent to earth by the gods as a punishment to be pursued without ever being caught.
Egyptian: Egyptians wore fox furs to gain favor with their gods, and there are many stories and legends that sprung forth from Mesopotamia and the surrounding regions.
Chinese: The Fox can take on human form according to Chinese and if given the proper attention can bring good fortune. The fox also symbolizes cunning and long life.
Christian: Christian myth often associates foxes with the devil. Because its depredations damage the vines and grapes which symbolize the church, the fox symbolizes those who spread heresy, and persecution. In Luke 13:32, Jesus calls Herod a fox. Jesus warns those who would walk with Him, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head" (Mt. 8:20; Luke 9:58).
Japanese: The Japanese fox or Kitsune has a deep routed and complex mythology. They believed foxes where powerful magical and intelligent beings. Foxes also became associated with the kami, or spirit, of rice and fertility.

Totem rediscovery (from may 2013)


Journal Information



  • Link

    how did you figure out your totem? im curious :)

    • Link

      Just kept an open mind and went searching through totems and meanings until one felt right!!

    • Link

      Some people are also fortunate to spirit walk. or have some communication with a native american tribe who can help.

  • Link

    Picking my furry persona species was fairly arbitrary. Assigning personality traits to a species seemed specieist (racist but with species). But I liked dragons at the time, so I just used a dragon. My second persona was just the cuddliest hybrid I could think of.

    • Link

      Species? This is really a thing now?

      • Link

        Species has been a thing ever since Carl Linnaeus in the bloody 18th century. Where have you been?
        I guess I'm not sure what you're referring to.

        • Link

          I meant "speciest" sorry typo

          • Link

            No not really. The only time I've heard of it was in Dr. Dolittle 2. But it still seems a bit silly that personality can be boiled down to a species. If I subscribed to that kind of thinking, I would consider foxes to be sluts.

            • Link

              Yeah, but that kind of thinking is all boiled down to archetypes and stereo types in the fandom D:.