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So, we've hit a bit of a cold snap here-- As in, -30 Celsius and below the last couple of nights. While it does tend to get cold in Newfoundland, it's been a really, really long time since it's been this cold. We're also getting way, way more snow than usual; the snowbank outside my house is well over eight feet tall, now, and the snow on the lawn is just a few feet shy of hitting the window on the second floor. By mid-December we'd already doubled our snowfall count from last year.

Because of that, everyone here's been kind of freaking out, turning their heat up on blast, etc... Which, thanks to several backup generators being unavailable at the provincial power plant(s), has led to a bit of an electricity shortage; since yesterday there have been rolling blackouts all over this side of the island to try to handle the demand. SUPPOSEDLY these blackouts are only supposed to be for an hour at a time, but-- just my luck-- I was without power for two hours last night. The house was freezing by the time the power came back on.

BUT ON THE UPSIDE, my chainmaille was delivered! Not to the door like I'd thought it would be, but was actually out at the postbox at the end of my road. Last night hit -33 degrees, though, and the wind was blasting, so I opted not to go out in it-- I'd been out to the postbox earlier that day to check for it, and it was only -10 then with the wind only about half as bed... What little of my face was exposed was burning by the time I got back (round trip is only maybe five to eight minutes, max), and the condensation from my breath was a huge chunk of ice on the inside of my scarf. SO YEAH. CANADA, EH??

Nabbed the packages this morning on my way to work, and finally tore into the bags when I got home. IT'S ALL SO PRETTY. ;w; I got small scales and rings instead of large ones (which I'm used to wearing; all of the chainmaille pieces I own were made by the wonderful SerenFey of FA), so it's gonna be more work to practice with, but I'm really excited!

I bought a scale bra kit and instructions, so that's one of the things I'm going to be trying out... Though it'll need modifying. (They provide enough for a DD sized bra, and I'm only barely a B, soooooo...) Also picked up a few 100-count packets of different colors, and I'm going to try making some chokers.

... I also may have splurged a little bit and gotten a 10-count bag of 24kt gold plated scales. ;w; I'm not going to do anything with them yet, mind. Those are part of a seeeekrit personal project. I plan to buy another small handful of those every now and again when I have the disposable income. Need a lot of the smaller ones, and a few larger ones... It's going to be pretty expensive by the end of it. x.o

THAT SAID, I've already started weaving some stuff together; mostly I'm just following the instructions by the line, so it won't be anything too fancy until I can get the hang of it and practice more. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to show off soon!



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