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You've been warned: old art incoming! by Amber-Aria

Hahaha, dammit I love you, Weasyl!

I'd been considering it before, but the newest update (setting up notification and display options for individual folders) has finally pushed me to do something I've never done. I'm going to update my Weasyl account with as much old art from my DeviantART and Furaffinity accounts as I'm willing to show off! I won't update with EVERYTHING, but there's still gonna be a lot.

So please note: I'm going to be turning off follower notifications for all of my old art folders, so I don't spam the everloving gosh out of my current followers. But if you are interested in seeing my older stuff, go to my submissions. The art will be organized under "Old Art" by year of submission. Also, I will be uploading my 100 Sketch Challenge commissions among others, so if you want something added to your Collections that I've done for you, please drop me a message!

EDIT: Finished uploading artwork for 2009 and 2010, and I think that's enough spam for tonight. Will be updating with the rest of my selected art from 2011 and 2012 over the next day or so. Feels cool to have all my nicer art in one place. I've always had my DeviantART and Furaffinity works separate, and this is the first time where the two have come together in some way!

EDIT #2: Finished uploading artwork for 2011! 2012 will come tomorrow after work.

EDIT #3: 2012 artwork upload completed, which makes my gallery officially caught up! And many thanks to those new followers who decided to watch my account while I was doing this art dump. I must've boosted by at least 20 people since I started throwing my old stuff up here, and that's comforting to see.

You've been warned: old art incoming!


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