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Holiday Vent by Yuri_Catslash

Where do I even start? I'm depressed, have been for a week, No this isn't directed at anyone here, I've just been thinking a lot lately, and none of those thoughts have been good ones. I'm never usually this mopey around the holidays, but a lot has been on my mind, and people around me are just pissing me off more and more, mainly at work, I work at a god damn supermarket, it's a dead end job to me because I only make a little over a hundred dollars a week, which is good for walking around money, but not to live off of, I mean I still live with my parents and step brother for fuck's sake and I can hardly stand them anymore, my mom especially, I used to be comfortable with telling her about what I do in life, and that I'm a furry, she doesn't understand and chooses not to, like alot of people, she thinks it's gay and different and wrong. She controls most of my life, I can hardly see my friends because she won't let me get a license because she doesn't think I'll understand all of that because I have autism. I'M 22 FUCKING YEARS OLD! I'M A GROWN ASS MAN! LET ME MAKE MY OWN FUCKING DECISIONS! And then there's the holidays, all I got for everyone I wanted was a bunch of gift cards and two bottles of wine. I don't know what to get people so then I feel like shit in the end, and then there's the people at my work that I go out of my way to help with their shit. Bunch of fat dumb assholes, I know it's part of the job but FUCK! It's a surprise I didn't quit years ago, and it's miracle how I'm so patient with most of them and how I haven't choked anyone out yet. Like I said before, this job doesn't pay well, and at this rate, I won't get anywhere in life. I don't know what I want to do for college in all honesty. Lately I started having feelings for this girl on here, I'm not going to say who she is for her sake, but I know she doesn't want to be with me, I mean, who wants to be with me at all? I'm a loser, A nobody, A nothing. Hardly anyone says hi to me here on a daily basis, noone comments on my stuff, noone comments on my fucking journals, Not alot of people care about me and wouldn't even notice if I dropped dead. I have no home of my own, no car, no good job, no college education, no future, noone to hold in my arms to I say "I love you" to and to say the same back to me. My life is a fucking wreck....just one huge fuck up. I don't see why I keep going on. I honestly don't see why I bother anymore. I'm probably gonna go on hiatus after Christmas until I get my shit together, but I don't see how that'll help.

Happy Fucking Holidays.

Holiday Vent


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    You don't really know me, and neither I you, but I want you to know that there's always something better to look out for. I'm not gonna be some religious douchebag and flip out saying "God will provide for all", I'm saying that the holidays screw us all over and run us down on money and self esteem, but in two weeks they'll be over and life will go back to normal. You always have something to look forward to, even if it's as seemingly mundane as wanting holidays to end or wanting to get out of the house.

    (A little hint, if you hate the job you have, look elsewhere starting February. Most places fire too many holiday workers and then need to hire because they let go of too many. Also, already having a job tends to increase the chance of being hired elsewhere.)

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      I don't even care about my job, it's the girl thing that hit me the hardest.