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Hello Again Weasyl! by Nukude

First off I'd like to say thank you for following to my sudden increase of followers! Thanks so much, it means a lot to me, really~ I'm sure most or all of you are from FA since it's been going on the fritz lately.

I've been kinda neglecting this site a bit.. Think I might do some moving over. With that said, expect some stuff from FA and maybe a few other things. I may or may not still be doing UTAU things, if you know what that is. If you do, and don't like it, please ignore any and all submissions with [UTAU] in the title. Or if you're just there to see the drawing that's fine, since all you have to do is not hit play xD

I'm sure most of you know that I haven't been feeling very confident in my drawing skills, or if you don't then well there it is.. Which is the main reason why I haven't been drawing much at all lately. It's silly I know.. I've been in this slump for quite some time now, just playing video games in the meantime that I want to do fanart of but I just end up quitting mid-sketch.. So yeah.

Anywho~ I will be picking up where I left off in submissions, so every recent thing in my FA gallery will be coming over here, sorry in advance! And again, thanks for following me everyone, it really does make me happy to know I have people that like what I do <3 I'll definitely try to keep it up!

Until next time~

Hello Again Weasyl!


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