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Records keeping by Menagerie

I've never tried to migrate a gallery before. Now I'm looking through old stuff and deciding what to repost and what to let fade away. I've discovered that I haven't kept really great records. I've migrated through two computers since I've started drawing, and a couple of programs. I have little idea where half of the stuff I've made over the past decade is stored. Some of them may only be available on FA, which is even more of a reason I want to duplicate them now. Especially with FA being down at the moment. A catastrophic failure could wipe stuff out. I'm trying to post very old stuff first, but with FA being down I can't find a lot of it.

Records keeping


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    Ack! I hadn't thought of that. Or rather, I'm in a situation where I'm on the same laptop and have access to all my old files. I think I'm naturally more apt at organization and cataloguing of files.

    Anyway, yeah, I never want to have stuff just in one place, nor just on one website or just one hard drive.

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      I thought I had done a better job of keeping up with the old digital ones at least. They are probably on one of two portable HDs I haven't gone through yet.