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Sleeping a lot by Malachyte

Edit: To be more clear, I don't think I am suffering from depression, at all. I think I am just temporarily feeling down, or in other words, depressed.

[boring personal update]

Lately I've not been feeling like my usual self, so I've been kind of quiet on the internet to help get over it. For some reason I've just not felt 'right' somehow. It's really difficult to put my finger on, because nothing is really wrong. But somehow, I feel kind of apathetic and maybe sad? I just want to sleep a lot, and I'm so tired lately. It's making me worried a little, and I wonder if I'm depressed, but I don't know how to tell if I am or not. I pick up my pencil to draw, make two lines, then put it down again because it looks like shit and I'm not having fun. Coloring and inking are okay, but making an actual picture seems to be beyond me at the moment, or was, anyway.

That said, I am starting to feel better today. I wonder if part of my lethargic feels are from not eating right the last two weeks or so. A lot of dairy, meats, and breads, but no vegetables or fruits. I didn't take my vitamins for a while, either, and also didn't exercise. I feel like this could be the cause, potentially. I fixed my diet yesterday after finally doing some grocery shopping, then took a vitamin, too. I'm taking a good chunk of this morning to listen to music I like, meditate on my feelings, and just try to get myself back on track. This journal is part of that, too, since I haven't felt like being on Skype, so I haven't really talked to anyone at all.

Everything just feels mildly annoying or inconveniencing; like I've got a shirt on backwards, but the shirt is life, mang. I have a bunch of phone calls I should be making, too, and phones make me feel like poop to think about, so I guess that's weighing on my mind as well.

I'll be over it soon, I can tell, but in the mean time, does anyone want to link me some sweet 8bit tunes to jam out to? They always make me feel great.

[/boring personal update]

Other than that, I've been steadily working on commissions and trying to get some gaming done, since it's been foreverrrrrrrrr. Also I am having a hard time not drinking too much coffee, again. Quitting is very, very hard. I need to stop landing jobs in coffee shops.

Sleeping a lot


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    Seasonal affective disorder, maybe? Hope it clears up soon, whatever it is.

    Here, this is probably the only really great thing about Silver Surfer. It sounds kinda C64-ey for an NES game, with that distortion on notes changing their texture.

    • Link

      Oh my god, this song is pumped the fuck UP! This makes me feel so good inside :D

      A lot of people across my galleries have suggested SAD, but I've always felt very calm and happy on "gloomy" days, and have never had it in past years, so I kind of doubt it. I think I just wasn't taking care of my body, and it was affecting me in subtle brain trick ways.