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Digital Sales of my Art? by Malachyte

Toby brought up the little thing that mentions sales files on Inkbunny, and I realized I never gave it a look. It turns out to have never been implemented, and the last notes on it seem to be from an update in 2011 :/

But, I realized that doesn't mean I can't offer digital, higher resolution versions of some of my art on my own. So as an experiment, and because I just really like how the picture came out, I'm offering my most recent, NSFW picture for sale.


Picture for sale

Price: $2.00

Payment: Paypal, spixish [at] gmail [dot] com

Resolution: 1590x1568 pixels

Program of Origin: Paint Tool SAI

The picture isn't significantly bigger than what is already uploaded, but I think this is a nice way to ask for tips for all the practice art I do to make sure I'm ready for all your commissions. This way you get something in return for chipping in to my arty ways.

To buy the file, send me the money through Paypal, and in the comments of your Paypal note, write the email address you would like the file sent to. This is very important, because if you don't tell me, I won't know where to email it!

Thanks to all of you for enjoying my art, as always; whether you throw money at my face or not, I love you all the same <3

Digital Sales of my Art?


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