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Opening for Commissions by Malachyte

Now that I'm back from FurFright, I am opening up for commissions again!

As a reminder to all, to commission me you should begin by filling out this google docs form.

Once you've filled that out, I will contact you via the email address you provide to begin discussing the details. Your commission is not considered taken until payment is received. If you ever have questions about the type of content I am willing to draw, you can check out my Terms of Service, or just send me a note/PM/email.

My other recent plans regarding art involve setting up prints to have for sale, finally getting that touched-up Twincest comic done and ready for digital sale, and making more badges/bookmarks/fancy boxes. I'd also like to try doing some character refs for people, where it shows their character at different ages. I'd really like more experience drawing younger and older figures, and I think that would be a good way to do it.

Lastly, I may be changing up what I use my Twitter for, and all you artists watching my account might be interested. I'd like it if people would tweet at me with art they would like critiqued, I'm thinking. I'm no amazing artist super star, but I think I have enough experience to help out a bit, and teaching people makes me feel helpful and cool, so I like doing it.

Thanks to all you lovely furs for watching my account, and a big welcome to the new crowd I seem to have gathered up from the convention!

Opening for Commissions


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