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One More Reason Why I Love Adventure Time by Runewuff

Adventure Time always gave me this feeling it's quietly subverting social norms... I suspect this is just one little example.

One More Reason Why I Love Adventure Time


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  • Link

    That was initeresting. I haven't watched much Adventure Time, but the few episodes I've seen on Youtube looked delightfully wacky. Although, there was something that bothered me a little about it, even though I can't put my hand on exactly what it was. Perhaps it was the lack of verosimilitude, their world never seemed quite consistent... I guess placing the Epic above the Dramatic is something admirable, but deep down I must be a romantic myself. :)

    • Link

      Indeed. Some Adventure Time episodes play out all the jokes, and leave the characters in a disturbing situation with no obvious "reset". Sometimes a deliberate lack of continuity is fun IMHO.

      FYI - the episode that hooked me was 5 Short Graybles - I had no idea what was going on and it doesn't explain it at all - but it's pretty funny and shows most the characters doing their thing so maybe it's not that bad an introduction. My favorite episode is What Was Missing because it has many messages, 2 great songs, and is a work of art talking about the meaning of art.

      I've not been watching lately since the chief songwriter Rebecca Sugar left - everyone on the staff wears multiple hats so she was behind most my favorite episodes.

      • Link

        Yes, I'm sure it can be fun, though I think it bugs me a little. Or maybe I'm mistaken?... Dunno. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, I'll try and check them out next time I have an opportunity. ;)