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TFcon Soon/Closing Etsy for a bit by smoketopus

Tfcon is next week and I'm gonna be there in the artist alley!! Say hi if you see me and talk to me about transformers and smokescreen and stuff, I'll have a very pink table, a comical amount of journals and stickerbooks, Tarantulas, and my purple hair!

That means that in the meantime, my etsy will be in vacation mode starting on Monday afternoon until I get home on the 16th (I'm also going to GDC), just as a heads up.

TFcon Soon/Closing Etsy for a bit


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    Good luck! :D

    I haven’t looked at TFCon lately—where’s it at this spring? I’m on-task for AnimeExpo this year, with an old friend of mine……we went in 2015 and I wanted to go again for my 50th birthday this year. I’m debating taking some fan-fic/fanbooks with me to swap (mostly Tranaformers), but dunno how many fans I’ll run into out there this time! But I gotta get use out of my booklet stapler!!! XD

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      It's in LA this spring! Fall is going to be in baltimore. And ooooh I've always wanted to go to anime expo! have fun!! I'm sure there will be some transformers fans there, even at niche anime cons i always end up meeting other transformers fans :P

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        I know Sara Pitre-Durocher was at AnimeExpo in 2015--and that was before she became the "big thing" drawing Transformers stuff for IDW. I think her popularity was just starting to become as huge as it was then, when "Til All Are One" began publishing--I remember her booth had a few Transformers things, but not a lot, then (I got a couple Windblade and Stascream post cards, that were like traditionally done chibi-doodles). :D We'll see if I find general fans to exchange stuff (or give to and get interest in my fan-fiction) with--I plan to have my Ita bag, which is very Rodimus-themed, so THAT might get some attention. XD

        The next time TFCon hits Chicago, I'll probably try to make it back to one. That's not too far to travel for me (a couple hours by car) and it would cost me less (because there wouldn't be the price of airline tickets). But I bet TFCon in LA will be a total blast for you! LA is just a really great city to look around in general--I love the Asian area of downtown LA, there are lots of cool little shops, from "dollar store" kinds of shops to big toy shops. The friend I'm going with, we've been to several anime conventions across the U.S.--we first went to Otakon together and then we went to AX in 2015 and SakuraCon in 2018, plus we went to some anime 'con that was in her home state together, I don't remember what it was called. And I've been to my local anime 'con, which is okay (but very small)--but the best thing was a panel by Sonny Strait, which was supposed to be about "Fullmetal Alchemist" at the time, but he said "my character dies a short time into the series, let's just talk about anything!". He was absolutely hilarious--and I knew of him before he became an anime voice actor, when he did art for the "ElfQuest" comic way a long time ago! XD