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Birthday/I am running for president by GuineaPigDan

Today is my 35th birthday, and according to the US constitution, I am now old enough to run for president. My vice-president will be Steamboat Willie Mickey, who just entered the public domain this year. Might as well make good use of him now that he's free from the clutches of Disney. My friend KeybladeRaccoon will be part of my cabinet as Secretary of State. I have not yet decided on who else will be in my cabinet, so anyone interested just leave a comment saying I want to be secretary of -add whatever noun you want-.

Some of my policy positions include:

-abolish all student loan debt.
-multi-universal healthcare, expanding healthcare not only to be universal, but also into other dimensions and planes of reality.
-turning Washington DC into a continuous, city-wide furry convention that lasts the whole year. Other major cities across the United States will also be converted into city-wide furry conventions, so furry conventions can be accessible to people that can't make the trip to Washington DC.
-repealing the 95-year copyright protection law, allowing more old cartoon characters to enter the public domain so I can add them to my cabinet without the risk of a lawsuit (I want Batman for Secretary of Defense).
-constructing giant fursuits for the Statue of Liberty, the statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial, etc.
-deporting Elon Musk to Mars and filling in vacancies in X/Twitter's staff with furry IT nerds who would actually know what they're doing.
-establish May 5th, Cartoonist's Day, as a national holiday. Cinco de Mayo wasn't the only holiday on May 5th!
-also establish June 19th, Garfield's birthday, as a national holiday (it's the same day as Junteenth, making it an easy date to remember). And in years Garfield's birthday just so happens to fall on a Monday, change the Monday for that week into Sunday part 2.
-add all 121 episodes of Garfield and Friends into the Library of Congress' National Film Registry for future preservation.

I'll come up with more policies later. Please write in GuineaPigDan/Furshinku on your primary ballots and on your general election ballots.

Birthday/I am running for president


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    Happy Bday!! 🎂 🥳