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Helloooo wooooooorld! by Pakki-Sukibe

It's Pakki Sukibe, deity, artist, and your all around fluff face o v o

I'll be posting some art here soon and hopefully I can interest a good amount of you in what I have to offer!

For those of you not from FurAffinity, here's a couple things you should get to know about me before trying to become my friend.

  1. You don't become my friend by asking.
  2. I don't like small talk. I love long, meaningful conversation.
  3. I draw a lot of girls and GirlxGirl stuff. I also love a lot of things about girls.
  4. I am STRAIGHT (or Lesbian, if I'm female). I only like girls sexually and romantically. Yes, I'm not bisexual, so stop instigating it.
  5. I go by both pronouns depending on which you prefer. I'm male by default but often RP female.
  6. I do RP, but I like some forewarning before you do anything. I also don't appreciate random sex.
  7. I love to doodle a lot, especially of stuff I like.
  8. I'm a snugglebug. I love to cuddle and snuggle and nuzzle.
  9. I have an F-List, Here it is~ (NSFW Obvs) YOU WILL HEAR ABOUT THESE KINKS.
  10. I don't like someone telling me that they're bored. If you talk to me, there's got to be more to it than simply because you have nothing better to do.
  11. I'm very complex and don't like being schooled. If I'm having an emotional issue, please don't talk to me like you know any better, even if you do. I hate it. It takes a lot to understand me.
  12. I'm constantly doing something, but it doesn't mean I won't stop to do something fun if I have the chance. However, I don't like being constantly invited to play new games. I prefer to have some alone time when I get a new game.
  13. I'm a big gamer. I'm always playing something or working on making my own RPG.
  14. I'm the lead designer of an RPG maker game in the progress called Lucira: Moments from the Heart (You can find out more here:
  15. I live in the overrated state of California and I'm a full time college student who loves to procrastinate. I'm an ART Major and a VIDEO GAME DESIGN Major. I consider the latter to be its own art form.
  16. I'm very expressive. You might hear me say weird metaphors.
  17. I'm very kind, but you need to make a good first impression on me. I don't tolerate attitude or snobbishness.
  18. I have a couple of complexes, like a leadership complex. It's not a big deal but its good to know.
  19. If you are a good friend, I will be very attached to you. You will know because I don't open conversation up with people I don't have anything to say to, unless they're a good friend.
  20. I have a lot of firm beliefs for myself. You will know it. Self confidence is one of them.
  21. I don't appreciate random links with no relevance and no explanation. If you're going to randomly link me, at least let me know what it is.
  22. You are all so kind and byuutifal and I luff you all sankyuu

So that;s 22 things to know about me ^ v^ I'm hoping I can grow with this community!

Helloooo wooooooorld!


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    I wanna hug u man

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    I've always wanted to make one of these but I am sure if I did someone would probably get snippy with me @ . @