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Update- Commission soon! - Twitter/X - TFF 2024 and more! by StogieGoat

Hello all!

Hope everyone is having a great Monday. No down to business. I am on my final commission in the current queue. So what that means is I will be opening commissions later this week! So keep an eye out, looking at being open somewhere between Thursday to Friday-ish? So if you have an idea, make sure to scribble down your idea now and have it ready to go! Folks in the cool-down queue will then be eligible to submit a commission form when they wish! And yes now would be a good time to go with something holiday-themed too if you wish, because I can pretty much guarantee you'll get the art in time due to the shorter queue. 

Price changes are coming next month next month. Nothing super drastic, but there will be another slight increase this year and a revision in my pricing tier. I may remove the "Just the Bust" option completely since no one seems to go for that anymore. If you think I should keep it, or trash it, comment below! 

Moving on...Just so you guys know, I lost access to my "SFW" Twitter account about a month or so ago. Like... wasn't hacked or anything, but when I switched phones, I had forgotten to make sure that the 2-factor wasn't activated on that account. And twitter/X, (despite me contacting them more than once over on that dumpster fire) has deemed to not bother ever getting back to me in regards to resolving this issue, and I've given up any hope that they ever will. So if you want to post at me over there, you will need to go with the @NotStogie_NSFW account. Sorry bout that. But if you WANT me to create a new sfw backup over there. let me know, Again comment below and I'll consider it if people would be willing to follow me over onto the new account. Or who knows... maybe I'll eventually get back into that account. But I wouldn't hold your breath over it. 

TFF2024 I managed to actually book a room when the block opened up this year so I'm pretty much sure to be there with my wife in March. No, I will not be working Artist Alley or anything. I considered it, but with me and the wife moving across the country not too long after, this was not to be in the cards. I still WANT to do it in the future, but I have a short organized list of stuff I would need. And with all my efforts going into the logistics of moving literally 2000 miles away to another state, I kinda just can't be bothered right now. However... if anyone wants me to doodle in their sketchbook while I'm there hanging out, I will %100 be cool with that! 
Lastly, moving... So yeah As I've said we're moving next year. We've been looking at places. have a few good candidates. All of them have more space than the place we live in now. I only desire to have a little extra room to have an office space all to myself. If I can manage that, then we'll be in good shape. That's all I'm at liberty to say at this time. 

Okay, that was a doozy of an update, but thanks for sticking with me folks. Have a great rest of your week, and don't forget I got commissions opening up again soon! Don't forget to be excellent to each other!

Update- Commission soon! - Twitter/X - TFF 2024 and more!


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