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What's Up? It's been years. by GoldeKlee

It's been a long time since I've properly used this site. For a while it was something I used frequently alongside like, 5 other sites. Then at some point I got sucked into social media like Twitter. Bad move on my part I think, but I digress. Now here I am, returning to a bunch of different art sites once more.

I've a few things to upload here over time, primarily things from a project I've dubbed "Pom's World". Essentially these are more... adult characters than I normally do. It's mostly just me trying to do something I'm not familiar with. I've also some media to upload for a tabletop RPG I've been working on with a friend.

Hopefully things fly smooth here, it's been a long time I've forgotten much about this site!

What's Up? It's been years.


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    hiya welcome back ^-^ yea it's pretty chill here :3 so laidback that even I too have also had the confidence on branching out to different kinds of artwork like the kind you mentioned, while still remaining in the kawaii style I always like to have. I really like how calm, cozy, and accepting weasyl is ^-^ it's nice to branch out to different kinds of works too, cos it can help increase your audience a little more :3 I'm learning spanish, so I'm also making descriptions and tags understandable for people of other languages. there's something for everyone ^w^ but I still draw for me ofcourse so dw! /fr /nabr

    ooh I've never played tabletop rpgs, but they do sound fun tho! my friend and I have been interested in trying out D&D for a while now, but we've never actually played before so we're tryna look for a third player that isn't toxic like the last ones..yeesh. >.0; also you do dubbing? like voice acting? :D cool! I sometimes like to voice act, but just for funsies X3 then again I pretty much always make anything for fun, because that's how art is enjoyable ofcourse ^-^