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I'm Genuinely Just So Fucking Fed Up of Posting Art by ChocolateKitsune

Some sites have tags

Others don't

This one doesn't let you paste them as plaintext

Some let users filter content

Others don't

Some have alt text

Others don't

Those that do have their own ways to add it

Some have Content Warnings

Some that do have plaintext fields

Others have them in tags

This one also doesn't let you paste them as plaintext

Content warnings work differently on different sites so you need to account for that

Some use markdown

Some use BBCode

Some use HTML

Some apparently use some fucking batshit asinine combination of the above

At this rate I'm just going to give up, dump it all into a web folder somewhere and occasionally post a link to it to remind people where to find it all cause I'm just about at my fucking limit I swear to god

I am so fucking tired of it all and I've posted 3 things today

It's genuinely discouraging as an artist with a middling following and doing this full time cause it's entirely in my best interests and feels like a requirement to put up with this shit and subject myself to as much of it as I possibly can so I can reach my audience on all 50 of the currently existing platforms that will consider hosting my work, so long as I learn their content policy and upload processes or hope beyond all hope that PostyBirb's solo dev has had the time to support it and implement its upload process without any issues either

The sheer amount of ifs and elses in my glorified clipboard manager script is fucking asinine and even after having implemented like 95% of the features I'm still finding things that are missing or broken and which I'm having to do manually until I go back into the code to add them in as well and it's driving me insane

I literally have an entire little code loop including UI buttons to fetch and paste just the content warnings of a post on cohost, and another one for Mastodon, and it involves a motherfucking array and a goddamned loop

I shouldn't be having to do this shit just to save myself some time to maintain my online presence. This shouldn't have to be the thing that causes me burnout when I could instead be wearing myself down to the bone by making the fucking art in the first place. At least we'll have the art at the end of that strangled path

I not only want but have a physiological need for you all to know that this shit is really fucking difficult and extremely tiresome and there's a reason why I've been posting just about exclusively on my website for the past year or so

I'm Genuinely Just So Fucking Fed Up of Posting Art


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  • Link

    You are totally right, I feel the same >.<"

    • Link

      Even if and when it goes smoothly, it's just exhausting, isn't it?

      • Link

        It is really exhausting and time-consuming