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Status update for October 23rd - 2023 by StogieGoat

Hello folks! Haven't done a status update in forever, so I figured now is a good time! The first thing I need to talk about is the "cooldown system" for my commission's queue. If no one has taken a look over at my Trello yet, I have added a "cooldown" column for folks who are on commission cooldown. This is for anyone who wants to keep track of when their cooldown period ends. Basically how this is gonna work, is once I complete the commissions in the queue, (usually 2 -3 commissions) the names that are in the aforementioned "Cooldown column", will get removed (ending their cooldown period) being replaced with the names of the commissioners who's work I have just completed. Let me know if this makes sense or requires any further explanation. Comments and questions are welcome! 
The second thing I feel I should mention is that tomorrow, I will be starting my new part-time side hustle. The good news is I'm still my own boss basically, and I still make my own hours. Essentially the work schedule I set up for myself will be morning to early afternoons, (Tuesdays Wednesdays, and some Thursdays.) I'll be doing this till I move next year... or maybe get that Patreon rolling, and meet one of my monthly goals, (whatever one comes first.) But in any case, this won't mess with my streaming or art schedule very much (if at all). So that's the good news! Wish me luck! And have a fantastic countdown till Halloween folks! ...Oh One last thing...I should have commissions open again at the end of the week so keep an eye out!

Status update for October 23rd - 2023


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