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Weekly status update! Plans and clarification! by StogieGoat

Let me just get this out of the way, All of you have been amazing, and I appreciate all of you for sticking around all this time. You are the real rock stars here!  

Last journal I talked about taking commissions in smaller increments. That is still true, and I will need to do that out of necessity. What I also will need to do is introduce a "cool down" period. (The alternative would be needing to take commission via raffle wheel every time and I don't think anyone wants that.) 

So, what does THIS mean? Well, that means if you commission me, and I accept, you won't be eligible to get another commission from me until the commission opening period after the next. You can try to submit a form every OTHER commission opening period. 

Example, I take 2 coms, (Person A, Person B.)  I Completed both. I open up again a couple of weeks later, I will not take another commission from person A and B that round. However, If Person A and Person B want, they can submit a form in next the opening period. 

Let me know if this makes sense folks. Does a raffle wheel sound better?

Also, Wanted to further define some stuff since I know it's confusing. Now I've been asked about comic commissions. I will not be doing those, period, end of story. However, If you want something like a secondary close-up shot, (or picture-in-picture close-up type shot) inserted into the main image. Check my gallery for examples I will do that when it calls for it. 

I count that as an "Alt," on my pricing chart. So if you want something like that, please note that in the form and I'll try to work with you on it. I want to keep my commissions to single "one-off" pieces. If You want a follow-up image to one you've already gotten, that is a completely different story, and I might be open to that. 
I have done that in the past, and that is fine. I hope this clears that up for some people! Comments? Questions? Drop that below! I'll try to answer as best I can! 

Oh, one more thing... Spooky season is around the corner so I might start taking Halloween-themed coms next time I open up. I don't like to get too graphic when it comes to spooky pieces. And extreme gore of any kind is in my "Wont' Do" list, (and it will remain that way), however...
I might bend the rule for a little bit of the red stuff if it is in the spirit of my favorite holiday. Just don't go too nuts, because that might get a commission rejected. But I'll leave that to the negotiation process. Any questions about that, again.. just ask!  

Weekly status update! Plans and clarification!


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