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Important Update by The Fire Tiger

The good news first: I finally have a job!

But now for the bad news: As it stands, it's a twelve hour job where I'll come back home and not have access to the computer, as my mom uses it for her online classes, making doing anything gaming related, and especially writing, nearly impossible. With the money I get from this job I'm eventually thinking about buying Mom her own computer for these classes so that I could have my own space, but the catch is that, to get the best and cheaper options for Mom, I'd need to get a credit card approved with at least one receipt from this place. Unfortunately, this means I'd have to wait until the end of August at best... and you can kinda see where I'm going with this.

Starting next week, I'll be entering a month long hiatus, during which no Thursday Prompts will be completed. The monthly Experiment may still occur, but don't hold hope for that, either, as I'll really only have Sundays off to work on anything and everything I need to until I can get Mom her own computer.

Hopefully this month passes by quick, there's still so much left unwritten.

Important Update

The Fire Tiger

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