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So for What's Been Going on by egyptiandragon

Not gonna make this journal all fancy or anything, I just want to kind put down what's going on/thoughts and also assure I am OK and am doing better than I even expected to be at the current moment in time:

Firstly, on the lighter end, my extended lack of posting and such until this past week was actually just due to having a little too much of other obligations going on. Nothing bad, just watching a pet for a friend along with the holiday and my routine was jostled so I lost track of if I had posted or not, actually pretty normal for me to have that happen and is just something I'm trying to sort in my own way (☉ヮ⚆)

Secondly, the unfortunate news ties into my living situation - my apartment dropped on me another walk through out of nowhere Tuesday, performed the walk through Thursday while I was working from home and explained to me they are checking the section I live in because the want to go through with renovating it as they were planning, and then later sent me notification they don't want to renew my lease due to the renovations. So essentially they are leaving me high and dry after about 4-5 years of living here and I only have under 60 days to find a new place and pack up (right after I was finally sorting myself out in that time, coincidence but still poor timing (╯︵╰,) ). Because of this, I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen, but I am already looking for a place and starting to pack some things as I can while also having to put my search for a new job on hold (long/short, I also have some troubles with my job and was looking for a better one, but it is a stable one).

I do want to put out there as said at the beginning, I am okay! It does hurt and it did hit me really hard with the stress of my job already to boot, but I think about my time at this place and know that I can find a better one for me from this situation. I wanted to at least make it known because I do still want to keep consistent art postings on my socials, but I may be a little extra away from timely responses or postings just because I need to shift my focus on short notice. Despite everything I'm looking forward to a new, hopefully cozier place, and I'll update here again once I'm moved in and getting cozy in the place I find! I will still be around and will still try to at least reply to comments and or leave comments of my own when I have a chance<3

So for What's Been Going on


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  • Link

    I do hope that you can find a new and great place to go, that won’t treat you like this one. I understand the desire to do renovations, but it seems skeevy to kick someone out in order to do so……they should offer you another apartment instead.

    At my place, they kinda do the renovations around us. Which can be rough and an inconvenience.

    Best of luck to you with the move and settling down in a new place! hugs

    • Link

      There’s been some decent options popping up at least that I’m looking into this week and conveniently one of my close friend’s sister just moved out of where she was renting, so I have a strong back up lead there! But I agree, there was something very skeevy about how this happened, especially with small details to note that they told me it would be maintenance walking through, but it was clearly a lady from leasing and she showed up with two teenage girls, so if I hadn’t been home I’m kind of suspicious what the plan was there :/

      There have been enough other issues in my time here too and rumors I’ve heard in the past from other neighbors, so I do think it’s better for me not to stay at this place either. I would have completely accepted being renovated around and had hoped for them to do so since my move in after they’d shown me an updated one back then, I truly wouldn’t have minded =~=;

      Thank you though! I’m looking for any that seem like they treat their tenants better than this place ever did and I’m sure I’ll find a much nicer one to boot! hugs

      • Link

        That sounds pretty good for you having to basically get right out the gate in moving. I still don't see why they were basically kicking you out unless they plan to do this renovation and then charge a new tenant MORE MONEY--which is probably most likely the case.

        It sounds like it's probably a good idea to move, even if it's under such stressful means and circumstances. :)

        • Link

          Yeah that’s what I thought and we found a listing for ‘updated’ apartments on this same property that they’re are charging far more for than they’re charging me… So I’m dead certain that’s the case and they didn’t want to argue with me about increasing the price

          I definitely agree there too, I can find a much more reasonable and responsible place honestly! :)

          • Link

            Yeaaah…..sounds like what they were trying to pull—forcing you out so they could remodel and charge more money. :p

            I bet your new place will be great! And though it’s a pain to pack up—in a new place you’ll get a fresh new look on “redecorating”. :)

            • Link

              It really does seem like it honestly... x.x

              Thank you<3 I already have one potential and 2 more in reserve I need to check back in with, I'm at least looking forward to a few changes in how I had things set up to help me concentrate more again on art/crafting/cosplay/etc like I had hoped to at this place! :D

              • Link

                It's moving forwards, it sounds like! I hope you get a chance to decorate how you want and the move isn't too (physically) hard on you afterwards. hugs

                • Link

                  It is! And me too, I think it'll go really well despite everything and I should hopefully be settled this time in much less time too<33 hugs

                  • Link

                    I know that if I knew then, what I know now--I would've been better prepared to move and settled in. Mine was the always ironic sitcom-y, parents tell you you're moving out, because you're old enough...........I was nowhere near prepared at barely age 20. But I think as an adult in my 40's now, I'd be better prepared and maybe even a bit excited at moving and "remaking" my new home. XD

                    • Link

                      I definitely feel that way a lot now in my 30’s even: if I could have just known more then I feel I did, I’d be better prepared now<3

                      I was a bit of the opposite funny enough, I wanted to be gone from home the moment I could taste freedom, but came home for better/cheaper schooling. Though now I’m finding many family connections in my life are really complicated which might be why I wasn’t so prepared as I thought back then, but I’m still really excited at least to try rearrange and have a fresh place<33

                      • Link

                        Yeah, family can make things complicated. But since I only have one family member left locally--I try more nowadays to stay connected. I only have my sister left around here, since both our parents are gone--any other family all live out west, towards California. It's a different world when the family that influences your decisions (for good or bad) are near you or far away from you. nods