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Post Birthday Update by pichu90

Hey everyone!

I know it's a few days old but thanks to everyone who sent me happy birthday messages and gifts! I try to make sure to read through all of them and not miss any.

As for how my birthday went I was actually on hiatus on vacation in Mexico City. It was a family reunion and also a side trip going to see some caverns and natural pools. It was really fun! The whole vacation was pleasant but now ready to return to normal.

I admit I was feeling slightly depressed prior to my birthday on the fact I was turning a year older. However, with every year that goes by I get more amazed that I stuck around as long as I have, even considering the two year break. It's interesting considering I haven't changed that much in my 16 years in the digital artist world. I don't think there's any question that I'm mainly a pokemon artist, albeit one with a goofy, cartoony cute style featuring my main OC Sparks the pichu. I have also been known for the "pichu90 angle", basically showing the butt XD. Others remember me for those Flash dress up games that I made until the end of 2020.

Yet, I still see Sparks' character continue to evolve, and we'll see it more in the comics and art. I feel like he enjoys mischief knowing he would get caught and punished yet appears to enjoy the punishment sometimes XD

Reflecting on my time as an artist I went back in time to 2007, my first year and came up with a few choice ones that show how far I've come (or not):

First Sparks reference sheet:

Old art that looks not far off from something I'd do today:

An example of mischief art that would later be my signature theme:

There's no stopping me anytime soon, expect to see more and hopefully enjoy what is coming next! X3

Post Birthday Update


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    sorry I missed your birthday so here is a happy birthday