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Status update. Major Changes coming in the next few months! by StogieGoat

Hello all! Time for a status update, and a couple of announcements! I'm back home now and will resume business as usual tomorrow. And you can bet I will be streaming too! Now with that said, during my time away me and the wife got to talking about stuff. And well... I'll just say it. We intend to move back up north sometime next year. I know, I know, "Boo!" Now with this decision will come some changes of course. I'm gonna need to make saving up for the big move. So unfortunately Stogs here is gonna do the very adult thing of picking up a temp job for a while, at least until after we settle into a new place. So I am going to change my commission method to reflect that so I don't bite off more than I can chew. After I completed all my current owed stuff, I will be switching my method to a more traditional one.

Pretty much what I'll do is, I'll accept a couple of commissions out from the pile. Contact my commissioners to know they are on my to-do list, and then once I've started work on it, and they approve the sketch, Only then will I send out an invoice. So just prepared for that change once I announce the shift to that method, I'll change my TOS and whatnot to reflect that.

Now this also means that I will not be taking on as many commissions once I get settled into a day gig. Also, I will probably reduce streams to about 3 days a week, and not all commission work will be streamed. I hope this isn't a deal breaker for some of you. I might ALSO shift opening up a Subscribestar or Patreon if anyone would like to help support my art. This will include different tiers and rewards and the ability to vote on the "character of the month" So people will still have some input into that.

My other goal is to also eventually get some physical merch available like stickers and stuff like prints, shirts, and possibly a standee or two. Now with all that being said. I will first work on finishing the current owed work before any of these changes take effect. But I want to call my shot now and my intentions so it is not a shock to anyone. So can't say I didn't give a heads-up. To be clear, this does NOT mean that I'm stopping doing commissions. I just might not take as many going forward. But I'll still be doing them for the foreseeable future.

Well, I'm still a little Jet lagged so I am gonna go rest up and prepare for all the stuff I need to do, I look forward to getting back to making some art for you fantastic, amazing folks! I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me these last few years and I hope that you'll continue to follow what I do next!

Status update. Major Changes coming in the next few months!


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