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Blue Bird Hellsite by KronoGarrett

The best time to leave Twitter might be in the past, but the second best time to leave Twitter is today. Space Karen is now actively advocating violence against transgender people and anyone so much as acknowledging or assisting them. Twitter is a Nazi bar now and no matter how much you try to curate your space, you being there helps prop the fascists' platform up by legitimizing it.

Twitter could have gone to pieces for any number of reasons, be it a slow decay, the general treadmill of enshittification, a puritan crusade, or simply ceasing to be trendy. Instead it was being bought out by a apartheid billionaire with a totalitarian vision. He has vast resources and his ears are highly receptive to the people willing to burn our world and everyone in it so they can rule over the ashes. It's not going to get better.

Request your archive, tell your friends where they can find you, wait for 24 hours, download the archive, run a tool such as Tim Hutton's Archive Parser ( then close your account. It's not much, but it does reduce his power if the community that produces quality content and interaction that draws eyeballs takes its ball and goes home. Without us, Twitter is but a wasteland of bots, spam, fascists, and spam in a rising sea of red ink.

And so we face The Splintering. Whether we want to deal with it or not, the time has come.

Pull the plug.

Blue Bird Hellsite


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    It's definitely nearing that breaking point for me.The only way the site could be salvaged at this point is a meteor falling on Elon's head and every botnet spontaneously combusting. I'm slowly stepping away while gathering other places to find everyone and even trying out alternative sites I previously said I wouldn't bother with, because anything at this point is better than the hellhole that shitlord is cultivating there.

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      Admittedly, even if we get a lot of people to mash the eject button, GPT means there's basically going to be a self-sustaining Bot Carousel...but I think most advertisers of note that haven't already left will notice that and stop running ads. Pushing it into irrelevance is possible.

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    At this point my twitter account has been untouched for awhile. The only reason I hop on the site now is to stop the unactivity timer. I'm not sure what to do with it as it's one of the better sites for networking, but the owner keeps making it worse.

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      At the certain point, it's time to throw in the towel. I'd bet you that you're counting towards the third-party metrics the more legitimate advertisers are using...

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      You're better off just nuking it after getting an archive of your data. It's a lost cause, save yourself.

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    Consider Mastodon, it's pretty nice!

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      Yes, I'm @KronoGarrett on Meow.Social!