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It's time to remind you that Smudgeguard exists by Malachyte

>>Buy this weird glove<<

I will never stop promoting this weird little glove. It's seriously my favorite art tool besides a pencil and paper. Are you a traditional media artist who doesn't want to get your hand oils all over your sketch and smear your carefully laid out lines? You want this. Are you a digital artist and you dislike the friction feeling of your hand skin dragging across your tablet? You want this!

They make them in single and double finger, and after years of relying on the pinky-only version, I decided to try the two finger one. It is way more comfortable in my opinion! The pinky-only version kind of strains your fingers juuuuuust a bit after many hours of continued use, so if you plan on drawing for many hours at a time, go with the double. Also, a personal recommendation; choose a color besides black, because when you take that glove off you will lose it just like you lose your tablet pen every time you set it down. Shit's camouflaged.

Also, you can toss them in the washer no problem. Mine usually last around 3-5 years.

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It's time to remind you that Smudgeguard exists


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