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2022 a year finally over by Vangabond

2022 a Year that has Quickly Ended Just as it started... for the most part, this year started off pretty quiet I entered a relationship near the tail end of last year. Which the lead me to figuring out that I'm Polyamorous, and then it also lead to someone who... in reality I should have never dated and blocked me when (I likely hit the nail on the head about our relationship) but I won't really reveal who one of my ex-boyfriends is but i doubt that I would ever date someone like him again. Other than that, I had another scare of my life when I had heard a rumor that one of my close friends had taken his own life.. but in reality it was "miscommunication" on how that was well told to me, and they later on come back much to my surprise and everyone else's sigh of relief.


Besides those.. heavy things there were some good things that happened this year, I lost 19-20 pounds and gained some muscle as the new college I transferred to has a student gym, and me walking around a lot to and from the busses and around my new campus likely was the reason I lost so much weight. My Goal is to get close to my older weight and keep working out every so often to keep it off, without losing so much weight I change body types and pants sizes for the third time in my Life. I have also gotten through my first semester at this new college I am at, and I'm well halfway done with the break (right now) before second semester starts up the Day after Martin Luther King day. And with the way things are looking like now, I may be done with college in general with me having my Bachelor's Degree some time around December of 2024 or possibly earlier depending on if I want to do summer classes next year or 2024 but either way I will end up in the same path faster or not.

I'm really happy about the fact that my grand writing project Better known as the "magic timeline" has finally come to an end I think I already expressed my feelings about it but I'm happy that it's over so I can move onto bigger and better things and that I have more time in-between life and school to do what i want (as long as nothing else pops up or gets in my way).

And with everything laid out, this will be my last post Until January 1st 2023

2022 a year finally over


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