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So. by Vangabond

That was the last story of the "Magic Timeline" I have been writing and creating for 3 years, but been writing for 2 years. And i say 3 years working on it as, I started the early Ideas of Artemis and his friends when I was in my first semester of Junior college back in 2019 and wasn't until that next fall I had began to post stories and I started on November 30th of 2020. I was thinking when I was finished with the first Season on the rebels of Gaia, before I had began to keep posting more of this story, and eventually started to add more stories once The Rebels and then heroes of Gaia lead to their follow up series the Guardians of magic where the 9 major wolves had their own pupils to train with magic a decade after their time to inspire a new generation of magic users on Gaia. Once the Gaia arch was over I began to introduce more stories in this timeline i have created. With sometimes teenager's or young adults dealing with magic related problems that would come up but would later end up Victorious.

In all honesty I feel like I peaked with the first season of the rebels of Gaia, but the more i think about it, it was just a taste on what I was planning for the long run but did not know it until much more later.

So I guess the Question is "So what is next?" Which may seem like a loaded Question but it's not I was actually planning on returning to my roots for a bit in my newer Ideas that may or may not come to reality soon, It's something I never really had too much time to well pull off due to me being Busy with school, life and other responsibilities. And now with Christmas Break for me quickly approaching I have the time to sit back and think about these things.

However, the newer story Ideas are independent of my just for fun series as well, I have been itching to return to my roots by posting one of stories that don't revolve around plots or established villain's. And I Think it was obvious getting to the later series that I was having fun writing stuff, but did not have that motivation to make it too long but becoming very short in retrospect but as if now that Won't be the case.

When I look at this wall of text for an update i realize that I was just a bit too excited to finally end something I started of my own fruition and motvations without being pressured to do so.

Honestly what comes next from me for the rest of this year at this point? not much, Just a few stories without concrete plots will be coming up along with something that was well overdue to be made. And now the more i think about it this may be my last post for this November (but I may be wrong Not so surer as I am typing this)

Anyways VB out



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