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Update / Changes by GreaserDemon

I'm going to be doing a small purge on my gallery, uploading some missing art I haven't uploaded in a few months,
and I'll be reorganizing my folders. I'm still here! I just forget to sign in since my password is only saved on a browser I no longer use.... :,)

Annndd I can't sign out - if I do then I won't be able to get back into this account thanks to my 2fact app being gone and me stupidly signing up a 2fact on here somewhen.

Like my last journal, if I don't sign in on here for over 3 months or something without a word, I most likely got permanently locked out and in this case I would move to my old account Pastellreh (which currently houses all my ancient 2013-2015 artwork)

I've been slow with signing in on here the past month or so due to being majorly caught up with events I've been hosting alone in servers I mod in, and being sick with covid a second time... I am still sick with it right now, hopefully it does not last as long as when I first got it...we will see.

Update / Changes


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