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Adventures in Cyber Coin Toss: Navigating the Quirky World of Website Support! by Kormd

Today, I noticed a lot of doom and gloom on Twitter. Many people I follow are talking about leaving the platform, like it's a sinking ship. But I think they're overreacting. What if Twitter changes but still sticks around? Or if it disappears altogether? We need to consider these possibilities.

Moving on to a different topic, have you ever thought about how other websites make money? Sites like DeviantArt, Weasyl, Furaffinity, Ikaru, and Tumblr offer cool features, but they need funding to keep running. DeviantArt offers a paid membership with extra perks, while Furaffinity has a subscription that helps pay for new features and upkeep.

But what about Weasyl? It's open source, which means anyone can contribute to its development. But I couldn't find a way to donate to support the developers. This got me thinking about the importance of funding for online communities.

For instance, Ikaru allows you to support developers through Patreon, and Tumblr offers a subscription to remove ads. But how does Tumblr stay afloat without these subscriptions? Maybe it's through ads, or maybe there's something else going on behind the scenes.

In the end, it's essential to support the platforms we love. Whether it's through subscriptions, donations, or just spreading the word, every little bit helps. This ensures that even smaller websites have a chance to thrive in the long run.

Adventures in Cyber Coin Toss: Navigating the Quirky World of Website Support!


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