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Furaffinity, Corruption, Scandals, History. by VasVadum


I have been a part of the furry fandom since I was 17 years old. Way back when I was young, I did a lot of stupid immature things, and I was quite a terrible person to be around. Annoying, entitled, stupid. All around I believe I've changed a lot since then, however I do still have problems relating to social situations, and have several mental disorders including Aspergers.

I believe I've grown up a fair bit since those old days. I used to be extremely vindictive, and would do anything to get back at someone even if it meant smearing them with any rumor I heard. Now days, I may be a bit vindictive if I feel I've been wronged, however I will only go on the offensive if I've been severely wronged and I will only explain things to the best of my ability.

People in the fandom however, have made numerous rumors about me, all sorts of things that are untrue over the years. Taken out of context, or just completely made up. People even believe rumors and spread them as facts. There was a time on Twitter, someone made claim that I was involved in 9/11 in some way, which was hilariously stupid, and the people there actually believed what he said. I hate the fact that people spread rumors like crazy, and I always do my best to explain myself clearly to defend against such accusations, however its not always possible. Due to being attacked, quite often, I developed a habit of defending myself against any accusations. That is why I am here, making this journal today.


I joined furaffinity a long long time ago, and have been banned multiple times. Most of the times, were related to clashes with the furaffinity staff in some way. I don't remember all of them, however I have always had a problem getting along with one in particular, the owner of the entire site.

I have suggested things to improve the site, I have reported problems on the site, I have even used trouble tickets to report rule breaking on the site. Nothing I do seems to make them happy in any way. I don't use the site in any way these days but to follow artists I like, and post my opinionated journals which sometimes rub people the wrong way. However, I do my best to make sure my content doesn't violate the rules when I do post things.

Furaffinity has been pretty stagnant for a long time. Basic UI, no real feature changes, some CSS redesigns but ultimately, no functionality change. Lots of promises of upgrades and such, but so far the only new features of the site, have been more ads, and payment features to gain them money like FA+ and that strange tipping feature. It however, still remains to be the central point of the fandom, everyone sticks to it like glue. I always say; "The artists stay because the watchers stay because the artists stay because the ..." which is an infinite loop statement.


Furaffinity has been the center of a lot of corruption as well. Many staff have been caught abusing their powers, or doing things they shouldn't be. Some staff were so badly guilty that the community backlashed and forced the owner to remove them from staff.

Staff left in mass between 2013 and 2017, some of which I talked to and they admitted that the ones who are still there, have some highly corrupt tendencies. I won't mention names right now, but if you yourself wish to learn more, you can find it online if you look hard enough.

There have also been rumors, of staff who have done things in real life that would be illegal. Some of these rumors are confirmed true, also information you can find online, if you know where to look. I can also confirm that some of these staff, are still staff. Do not note me or comment asking for this information, I will not be sharing it.

Security & Privacy

FA has made claims that it puts your security and privacy above all else. However, in multiple occasions, the site has been hacked, and the information leaked. Even passwords stored in a simple format with the same salt across all of them, were leaked out which forced the owner to issue a site wide password change at the time. A fair few people lost their accounts over this.

On top of this, they hired a certain guy who was a known hacker who would program backdoors into everything he ever did. They hired this guy, in secret, for an entire year to work on the site. They knew he was bad, they hired him anyway. They didn't tell anyone because of the backlash that would happen. A year later when they admitted it, the community was rightfully angry. Supposedly, the guy was let go, but he could still be secretly staff there. He could have easily put in backdoors, or information gathering tools, forwarding your notes, and other private information to his own personal server. There's no way to know. This was a huge no-no, and I spoke out against it. This did not please the staff of the site.

Permanent Banishment

Now, its no real surprise that they banned me again, once and for all. About half a year ago, I did something I shouldn't have, and used some of the information I found online from one of the database hacks against someone who was talking shit about a friend of mine. This person, informed the staff, and I was banned. I got that ban appealed, after apologizing and promising to delete any information I had relevant to the hacks and not using that information again.

I began to talk to Dragoneer on telegram after that, I wanted to try to mend some bridges, and show that I could be a better person. Sometime about a month ago, I had watched the third season of Orville, and was angry with how it turned out. I started ranting at Dragoneer about how Orville had become ruined with ultra feminism and an anti-male agenda. Somewhere in the conversation, I had mentioned how I wanted "white men" to be treated as equals, like everyone else. This offended him, and he immediately blocked me before I could finish my statement.

I suspect this is in part, why I was banned. A personal grudge that the owner has against me, for not being in support of the current day agenda to bash men down into the ground. Who knows, it could be completely unrelated, but they won't tell me. The surprising thing is, that I haven't done anything rule breaking on or off the site in any way. I may talk shit about someone in my personal telegram group amongst my friends, however its not a bannable offense to talk shit about someone in private. To ban someone for that, is highly unprofessional, and an extreme abuse of power. Its the same thing one of their staff used to do, before they were forcibly removed.

"After reviewing your account, we do not believe that you are a good match for our community."
A generic ban message in order to hide the true reason.
I contacted furaffinity appeals, to see if they would tell me why. This is what I got.
We have no reason to share to you.
This is basically saying, they have no reason. They have always told me the reasons in the past, now suddenly, they don't have one.

This all came right after I had reported an account that was uploading real life zoophilia to the site, and another profile who was making a callout journal. Someone in my group had posted a link to a journal about something bad on furaffinity, I followed their journal, to another journal which was calling out an account that was uploading zoo. So I reported both, the callout journal, and the account uploading zoo. It was the right thing to do, both, were breaking rules.

A day or so later, someone contacted me via notes to tell me that my shouts were disabled. Something I didn't know, and can't have done myself. I went through settings for an hour trying to figure it out. I came to the conclusion, that the staff forgot to enable shouts again after my ban appeal was approved. So I filed a support ticket, asking for my shouts back.

Two days later, I was banned. Funny thing though, after I was banned, several hours later, someone replied to my trouble ticket. Of course I can't see the response.

Ultimately, I have absolutely no idea why they banned me. I can only speculate. I backed up all of my journals, and my profile, just in case they try to hide anything or alter anything. I don't trust them to not make something up. Screenshots can be altered, HTML can be edited, but the wayback machine, is a great place to store your evidence, because they are an archiving site, and you the user have no way to alter it. You can find backups of my profile and all of my journals, there.

My Furaffinity Journals

I have a lot of journals on furaffinity, many are quite edgy, and opinionated. I'm sure the staff don't like a lot of what I say. I speak my mind when I want to. I say what I want, without breaking rules to the best of my ability. At times I change my mind, and I actually don't agree with some of my old journals anymore. However its not something I can change now. I don't know if my journals had something in them, that they used to decide I'm worthy of being banned for. However, I don't think thats the case.

One thing I can think of, is that recently I had covid, and I posted a journal about it. I had mentioned in the journal that I thought I had the flu so I kept walking around without a mask. I suspect its possible that the staff could have used this as a reason to assume I deserve to be banned "for knowingly spreading covid", or some bullshit. However, I don't really believe that to be reason enough for it. If they believed that, they would probably have told me that was the reason. Who knows.

Many of my journals focus on the new age anti-white-men agendas, where a lot of movies and political groups are acting cisphobic and misandrist. I don't like media shitting on me, for being white, or male. I don't like movies treating men, like we treated women back in the 60s. So I bitch about it when I'm exposed to it and annoyed by it. Some people, extreme leftists, see this as transphobic, racist, or misogynistic. However, I've always explained that I believe in true equality, as in, every single human should be treated as exactly the same, human.


Ultimately, I have no idea why this is happening to me. I don't know why I was banned. I don't know what they will think make up to justify their ban now that I've decided to go public and speak about everything so openly. I will be moving over to new sites, like Weasyl, FN, and SoFurry. However, I wish I didn't have to. I suggest everyone else, do the same. Now that Furaffinity is privately owned again, they have the power to do anything they want. They could ban anyone, for anything, and they don't have to tell you why.


My furaffinity profile. (Banned)
I leave this here so that you can see my profile, if you so choose.
Weirdly, someone has been backing up my profile for years. Here it is though.
If you're clever, you can also find backups of my journals on wayback. Let me know if I should link them here.


I used this site in the past to post photos of my animals, and follow a few artists. I'll probably make this my new main as I really enjoy the layout and setup of the site. I just wish they hadn't gotten rid of their original story creator. I loved it a lot, I wanted to begin using it cause I enjoy typing, a lot. I like having a UI that lets me edit things. I'm actually typing this entire journal, in because I wanted an interface to create this.
My Weasyl Account is here, enjoy.

Furry Network

I liked this site, I really did, it had something no other does, blacklisting on tags. It also allowed you to suggest tags on stuff if an artist didn't tag their image right, or at all. However, the site hasn't had staff on it in years. The last confirmed sighting of staff in the support system, is 3 years ago. The last sighting of the owner of the domain, like 7 years ago. I believe this site is dead. However, I do still have an account if you want to view it there. I may use the site anyway, even though its somewhat broken. I hope that they come back, and begin working on it again.


This site is fairly old, and while it does have a moderate size community, I don't particularly like its layout as much. It isn't my favorite, but I will begin to use it again at some point, maybe. Who knows. However, you can click here to get to my account there.


Never happening. This site allows a type of content I completely hate and am extremely against. I will never, make an account here.


I will never use this as an art posting site, but I do rant here and post political things here occasionally. If you want to be offended, click here.

Furaffinity, Corruption, Scandals, History.


Journal Information



  • Link

    Seen quite a few FA migrations on here and every time the reason cited was rampant corruption or bans. It's always a shame to see an art site go downhill since there's never really a good site to post on. Smaller ones are usually much better moderation wise, but can have slower growth and less activity due to less people. Larger ones always seem so volatile. Used to be on DA, but they refused to protect digital work and had horrid moderation (pre UI overhaul, but I doubt I'd go back). General social media ones generally aren't nice towards artist so choices are incredibly limited.
    Very glad I picked Weasyl to move to since it's overall a nice place to use so far. FA would've been considered if my art was less diverse character wise. Luckily didn't pick it.

    • Link

      Unfortunately, a lot of the artists I liked, are only on FA. So now I can't really follow them anymore. These people refuse to use any site other than FA or twitter. Twitter is the world's worst hosting platform for artwork.

  • Link

    Quick question: I've heard about it before hut no one told me what it was and honestly I'm afraid of going there and see something that will scar me for life;
    Anyway, what is posted on InkBunny?

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      Tons and tons of cub art. Its a haven for that sort of thing, one of the only sites that allows it. Its why I call it "pedobunny".

      Zaush even uploads his cub art there, and then uploads the same picture to FA with the claim that the kids are "barely legal".

      • Link

        Oh... gross.... glad that I asked before taking a look. Thank you very much for telling me! ^^