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About Jurassic World by LightLuxCollie

I’m writing this because I’m so confused as to why Jurassic World Dominion is getting soooo much hate. Maybe it’s just me and because I love dinosaurs that my opinion on the film is being swayed. But even so, I don’t think it deserves the amount of attack and hatred I’m seeing from people. I mean, what were you expecting?

Just a few things to keep in mind.

One, I have never once compared Jurassic World to Jurassic Park because no duh JP is vastly superior in every way. I consider JW its own thing. JP will always be better and JW doesn’t even come close.

Two, the second Jurassic World, Fallen Kingdom was the worst piece of shit I’ve ever seen in my entire life, so don’t think I’m just a fanboy who loves all these movies, because that particular movie can go jump off a cliff and burn in a lake of fire. It was awful. This movie however was not that film.

Three, I have lowered all of my expectations for any and all films in the past 5 years. Films and shows all suck, contain their own shitty political agendas and are usually bait and switch piles of crap. So when a film doesn’t do that, I’m pretty happy with it. Sadly enough.

I just thought it was fun. I don’t care about realism. That ship sailed long ago. It was kind of like James Bond meets dinosaurs. Nothing was realistic, but it was just stupid mindless fun. Something to escape with. If you go to this film expecting ultra realism, you’re going to have a bad time.

Some people were pissed at the whole storyline of the locust. Saying things like the film is about “bugs not dinosaurs” Not true, this film has the most dinosaurs of any of the movies, in addition to a bunch of other interesting extinct animals that weren’t dinosaurs, but the storyline worked well with the original message of Michael Crichtons Jurassic Park! Don’t mess with genetic power! There are consequences! Something we all experienced for two years.

Was it corny, yeah.
Was it unrealistic, yeah
Was it perfect, no.

Was it fun, YES!

Personally, all of the movies flaws were made up by the appearance of the Therazinosaurus, which is and has been my all time favorite dinosaur for a while now. So the fact they brought it in for some very awesome scenes was just beautiful.

All I was hoping for from this film was that it was better than fallen kingdom, not politicized, and fun. That’s all I ask. Every other flaw is forgivable.

Just enjoy the film. Don’t take it too seriously.

About Jurassic World


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