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The state of things - May 5th 2022 by KyiarnuGAnullo

it my birtday
am old

So I'm hoping everyone is doing well, and I do have some rather big news.

I got a transfer to another department at work. This comes with a promotion and a raise, so at long last, after eight years, I'm finally making some decent money. Things haven't been completely finalized, and one of the people in the department I'm starting to work for is leaving tomorrow so things are going to get rather hectic until a new person is hired. Though, I should also be able to set myself up to be able to work from home one or two days a week, so we'll see how that goes.

Beyond that, nothing huge has happened. Not sure how much I'm going to be posting here, I'm trying to get a few things commissioned, still need to pester some people on stuff. Though what I really should be doing is some writing.

I've actually been working on spritework again these past several months, though I don't think I'll have anything to really show off for a long, long time. Might post some older stuff, if I remember to do so.

Anyway, hope you all have a nice day!

The state of things - May 5th 2022


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