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Introduction by CaffeinatedCultist

Kicking off the new year (slightly late) but with something I have been wanting to work on for a while now. I have always enjoyed art, and making it! Times have changed and I really want to push myself to make art my full-time job. I know there is plenty of other artists out there and I am merely one of many. This however does not discourage me at all! I don't see it as a bad thing either, because everyone has a different style and flavor of choice so to speak!

So what kind of art do I plan on doing? Starting off, probably just icons, and small comms. As my primary I would like to have my focus on Adoptables since I really enjoy making characters, playing with colors, and building all that-- but I am bad at sticking to one design for too long as I can get bored. So if I already have a skill for working on that, why not make them for others to use? Again I am aware the adopt market is extremely vast, but I enjoy making them so It's really no loss on my end.

Usually artists have a gimmick or reason for "Give money, ok." Sure, I'm not much different-- still I notice that everyone has a lot going on in the background/personal life and sometimes life in general becomes overwhelming. Survival is something that sticks in my head a lot. You never really know what someone else is truly going through and not everyone wants to share that information. Some prefer to stay quiet, and smile. Just trying to get by. I think I fit into that later category. This is my way of survival, and working hard with what I know, and what I have.

I find myself readying for this year, and sure I might be slow, or possibly even ghost once in a while, but everyone has their reasons for having a break. Plus I think taking my time and not rushing too hard will be less stressful for just starting out! I am still trying to figure out prices and what not, so again this will take time.

Thank you for those who took the time to read my entry. I know it's not super amazing, but sometimes these things don't need to be super fantastical! It's okay to be bland, and honest.




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