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Personal Updates and upcoming projects by Prostapheresys

Alright, some updates are due!

Lately I have been mostly absent from the furry fandom scene because I was going full-throttle on my studying schedule for a Math exam (about Multivariable Calculus + basics of Group Theory for Chemists if you're curious). I can finally let you know that I passed! Yay!
I must say the professor was a total jerk the whole time to all the students, as expected, but in any case, I'm glad I'm finally done with it. This means that in the short term I should be able to dedicate more time to the non-university related projects, aka the projects I wish to share here in the fandom ^w^

Additionally, I recently got some extra good news: a text I sent ~1 month ago to a local publishing house has been selected in a writing contest! A contest for an upcoming tabletop RPG called RAYN, a dark/esoteric fantasy game. All the winning writings will be published together in an anthology that will be gifted as a Kickstarter exclusive for the backers who supported RAYN early on; the offer has already timed out but you can still support RAYN on Kickstarter if you want!
Currently it's available only in Italian though, since the publisher has yet to express any interest in translating/exporting the game abroad. Only time (and sales) will tell I guess XD
List of on-going projects (in no particular order):

>> GUEST OF THE SEA: the story of KateTheGreat911411's persona, Katherine, a young girl lost at sea who gets rescued by a community of merfolks. However, she soon finds out that her new keeper, a merman named Kraikugree, actually intends to make her live underwater with him...
[Featuring my OCs Kraikugree and Okikri. Themes: Stockholm/Lima syndrome, love triangles, erotica]
>> THE NOKKEN'S FIDDLE: the tale of Sharon, who in her childhood had a fateful encounter with a mythological river-creature known as the 'Nokken'. As far as the villagers know, she was lucky to escape the clutches of the Nokken; but there's actually more to the story than what she is allowed to say... and when years later she hears the mysterious call of the Nokken again, strange events start to affect the lives of Sharon and those around her. Will Sharon answer the call?
[Themes: erotica, mind-control, mild-horror]
>> THE MOANING FOREST: Art + Story sequence featuring my sona Auran venturing into the 'Moaning Forest', a place notorious for the many people that have mysteriously gone missing while in search of the aphrodisiac plants and fruits that allegedly grow there. Will Auran's curiosity turn him into the next victim of the forest's lewd vegetation?
[Themes: lewd plant TF; inspired by Lunate's fexa plants]
>> HEROES' QUEST: current working title for a Tabletop RPG I am developing with the FUDGE system! It will be a fantasy-themed game manual where maximum character customization is key, as well as world-building and story-telling for Game Masters. So while not centered around furries per se, you could definitely play furry characters if you wish ;) The base manual is pretty much already finished at this point, just waiting for some feedback/proof reading from the selected few to which I already shared it.
>> Eros2000 COVER: upcoming cover of my fictional Eros 2000 magazine, introducing my Qilin OC, Xian-Uhuru.

Personal Updates and upcoming projects


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