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Commissions opening SOON! by Nommz

Hey y'all!

It seems like every time I start one of these journals, its always been quite some time since I last opened. The last two years have been really inconsistent for me in terms of public commission openings, and I apologize! As I stated in the previous journal, it was a mix of adapting to Patreon (which was a success!) and attempting get personal things sorted and taking breaks (which was not a success). But for now, I'm just wanting to get back to normal, and get back to a normal schedule. Personal life things will be on the backburner until I'm more equipped to sort them.

As always, first batch of the year will be the same thing I did before- if you've commissioned me (either normally, slavestreams, or Patreon) since I last did this special condition batch (May 12th 2021), you cannot get a commission this batch. I'll put a lil FAQ at the end of the journal for further clarity. I know it may seem goofy to do this again when the only non-patron commissions I took on last year were from a batch with the same condition, but things fell a bit out of control last year. I'm hoping things can stay on track this time.

Anyways, my Terms of Service here has nifty information about commissions and such:

Also, if you missed it, I posted a journal about price changes earlier:
All the information there is already updated in the ToS, but if you just wanted a quick glance at what's different, its in there!

Okay! So I'll be opening for 5 commission slots on January 19th, around 6pm EST. Here's some copypasta about it:
-The journal will be posted with the link to the commission form. It will stay open for around 24 hours.
-The first 2 forms filled will be guaranteed a commission slot. The remaining 3 slots will be picked by me.
-I'll email those who got the slots to discuss ideas, prices, and other details, and then I'll send invoices and work on thumbnail sketches for commissioners' approval .
-The queue will be ordered by who gets that whole process done first, and I'll work down the queue in order.

I'll be sure to announce slots opening on my Commission Announcement Telegram channel: , as well as in journals and on Twitter.

Special condition?
For a couple years now, I've been doing this thing where the first batch of comms in a year are exclusive to folks who hadn't commissioned me in the last year. Like before, this is only going to be a thing for this batch; you can commission me again next batch if you commissioned me last year. I just want to shake things up and give other folks a stronger chance at getting a slot. If you commissioned me anytime between now and May 12th 2021, whether it was through a comm batch, YCH, slavestream, or Patreon, you're not eligible to get a slot this time.

What if I was featured in a commission I didn't pay for?
That is certainly a grey area! I'll have a list of folks, but I'm obviously not going to inquire upon every single commission I worked on the past year to find out if the other party paid for it as well. I'll likely prioritize folks who haven't gotten any art from me last year. If you're unsure, you can certainly still submit a form! Worst I can do is just not accept it, so you'll be fine.

What if I didn't read this lil tidbit at all and submit a form even though I got a commission last year?
I merely won't accept the slot. There will be no real repercussions outside of not being picked for this batch. Its no big deal, really, when it comes down to it, and super not worth pursuing any type of punishment. I'll just pick a different form submission.

If you have ANY questions regarding anything commission related, whether its about the process or your ideas themselves, let me know! I want to make sure everyone knows what they're doing and is prepared to the best of their ability! You can comment, note, or email me if you need help.

Commissions opening SOON!


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