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Patreon Revamping by foxgamer01

Before you guys asked, yes, I do have a Patreon. Here is the link if you’re curious. I also have a Ko-Fi account with the link here. In any case, let me get to the main point.

While I never consider Patreon a main or even a side source of income, more like a tip jar, I confess that its growth over the past two years has been nonexistent. Not to say that I don’t have anyone there supporting me. Just that, for a long time, it’s just been the same two-three people, nothing more. Well, aside from that one guy, but he disappeared quick.

Of course, there are multiple reasons for it. One is that, despite advertising it in every story, my advertising is lacking. Another is that the incentive of joining it is lame. And finally, I just don’t post there regularly like a bunch of people do.

As such, I thought of revamping the whole thing and, after some talks with a few friends, we’ve come up with some solutions. Note that these changes will not affect my Patreon until I finalize and posted The Pokémon Prometheus 2. That way, I can be more flexible with the time I have on that story itself.

First up, discounted stories/YCH-ish stories
Basically, by joining my Patreon, you get a discount on my story commissions depending on how high of a tier you’re in. And on the higher end of the tier list, you can get mini/short stories more like A Kitsune Thief, where the word count doesn’t exceed more than 3K. Plus, setting up monthly theme stories (for example, a possible theme is getting a deity potion from A-Fox, whether you drink it or not, and what your deity form looks like).

Second, do more advertising.
It’s not something that I enjoy, I admit. I’m not an egotist by nature (I’m more of the opposite, in fact). But, regardless of my feelings, it’s something that I need to work on. Especially since, if I’m going to do self-publishing works, I need to learn how to advertise myself. After all, unless the work is outstanding (and I doubt it’ll get to that point), all I’ll get from this is nothing.

Finally, do more Patreon posts.
In the early days, I confess that I did try to do some posts, such as behind-the-scenes on how I write. But they went nowhere, and I gave up in the middle. Of course, it doesn’t help that my means of sharing it is limited since, back then, I generally wrote it in a notebook before typing it in.

However, thanks to a setup that I’m moving towards (typing the rough draft and retyping it while editing it as I go), it allows me to offer an incentive as to how much the story changes from rough to final far more transparent than before. As such, that is a way to posts more. In addition, I may offer some writing tips and opinions, primarily since some of the people supporting me have written a story and I like to help.

If you guys have any suggestions on how to improve my Patreon, don’t feel afraid to tell.

Patreon Revamping


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    Best of luck with it! It's going to be a slow process, so don't be disheartened if you don't see immediate results. But with patience I'm sure that you'll make a success of it.

    You're a great writer and this all sounds promising!