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Inktober Break by pandapaco

I should have announced this some days ago. Today I've been receiving so many messages everywhere asking me if I'm going to upload my first Inktober picture. Also I was getting so nervous when I was reading some people saying "Oh I can't wait what Paco is going to bring us for Inktober this year!"


Well, this year I'm taking a break of this traditional challenge, that I had been doing for 6 years in a row, from 2015 to 2020. Every year I wanted to make something special with a specific fun theme, instead following the official prompt list.

And I really had something special in mind for this year, something that I even took my time to research, to write up, to plan and everything... but I've been incredibly busy lately with so many things, especially with the Art & Biro books from my Kickstarter campaign, that got delayed for a couple of months and now I need to be completing all orders and mailing everything this month. But in addition of that, I also have stuff to do for Confuror (my local furry convention where I'm staffing, that this year is going for a virtual edition for second time).

Plus I'm attending BLFC this year, that this time will be in October, something that it was weird to happen. I usually didn't attend any convention in October (only Confuror, but that's my local one), but I had been planning attending BLFC since early 2020, I had my flight tickets that I had to be pushing over and over again; I had my hotel and registration ready that they just moved to October 2020 and then to October 2021. And it's going to finally happen!

I promise next year I will resume this Inktober tradition, with a very nice theme that I was planning this year that is very exciting!! I'm very sure you all who were expecting an Inktober by me this year will love it!

But for this year, I don't want to overwork myself and make this October impossible to handle. If I had decided to not care about this and do it anyway, probably I wouldn't have slept and the creativity would have been reduced. I know how it is not to sleep very well and try to create illustrations and art anyway, it usually gets horrible, and I really want to keep giving a really good quality with my silly artworks.

Thanks a lot for understanding!!
This panda loves you all!!


Inktober Break


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