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Kickstarter: Art and Biro Comic by pandapaco

I'm trying to not spam everytime about this, I don't want people get tired to see about this campaign, so I've announced it with many days of separation, since I know there are people and even close friends who haven't known about this.

Art & Biro is a comic project I've been working since 2014 (with characters I've been drawing since 2008). And now that the chapter 1 is finished, I'm getting everything ready to turn it in a book, but not any book, but a very beautiful edition. And I want to share this dream with many others.
In addition to the original comic, in the book there will be bonus material, a short epilogue, and a surprise section where other artists are helping me to make. Also I'm enhancing some few panels to make them look better, but of course, maintaining the original essence of each one of the drawings and panels I did all those years ago.

This Kickstarter campaign is helping me to make this dream come true. You can help me and get not only a hardcover copy of the book, but also many other rewards like stickers, enamel pins, and t-shirts.
All the copies will be signed by me, but also I can sketch your own character, at selecting the "Book + Sketch inside" tier.

All the stretch goals are already fully funded (Thank you so much!!), so we're getting two editions of the book, English and Spanish, and both of them in hardcover. But I'm planning to add a new stretch goal soon to make the book even more beautiful, but I'm still requesting some quotes to the printer company.
Soon I'll be announcing about this on the same Kickstarter campaign and also on my social media, I recommend you to follow me on my Telegram channel, is where I update the most:

Also you can help me sharing this to your friends!!
And if they haven't read the comic, or YOU haven't read the comic, you can do it for free on:

The comic on the webpage is available in many languages!
And the printed book will be available in English and Spanish.

Thank you!

Kickstarter: Art and Biro Comic


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