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Jelly's Leg Lump by Malachyte

It's time for more cat news!

My cat, Jelly, is doing fabulously still after his dental surgery. He is more playful, eating a healthier amount of food with no trouble, and is really enjoying his new pain-free cheek scritches! Also, the new floor-based cat bed I got him has been met with success, and he uses it pretty frequently.

[Light medical talk]

However, I heard back from the vet about the lump that formed on his hind leg after his surgery, and they said the tissue sample did contain some anomalous cells. They couldn't tell for sure what kind they were, but even without knowing the exact composition of the lump, it was confirmed that he needs it surgically removed. The best guess about the lump is that it was already present in his leg, and then when they attached the bracelet from the blood pressure device, it aggravated the area and became more visible. In a way this is a good thing, since if it is cancerous we've caught it earlier than we might have otherwise.

[Medical talk over]

So, his new surgery is scheduled for the 24th of February, and I have until then to set aside $980. Less than the dental surgery! But still a lot. I will be planning another fundraising stream for him and will be working hard to take care of my little guy. And, since I'm a nervous person, I do have photo evidence and a paperwork trail to prove my cat's situation, in case anyone feels uneasy about this need for money so soon after the first time! A reasonable way to think, so I won't blame anyone that would ask to see that.

I will post a journal about art and commission info tomorrow, so stay tuned if you've been waiting for that!

Jelly's Leg Lump


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  • Link

    Good luck, I hope everything goes well

    • Link

      Thank you! I have confidence this will be a minor issue.