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Where I've Been by IridescenceStudios

Apologies for the lack of communication on my part. Honestly I've been in a bit of a slump for a few reasons. Among them I had to take my car into the shop, was dealing with laptop issues (it kept disappearing my files), my PC fan was acting up again, and we had a funeral to go to. On top of all that my cat wasn't eating much, despite our efforts to get her to eat.

All this had not helped my ability to focus, plus my own self blame for not being as far along as I wanted to be. Plus a few things delayed as far as release while I wait for a few other things to fall into place, but the truth is it's my fault. I haven't been great at anxiety management or self discipline even though I know in part what I need to do.

I'd meant to make a VLOG about all this but I kept screwing it up so I'm putting it in written form just so I hold myself a bit more accountable to my usual standards and pick myself back up one step at a time.

That being said, the car is now back in our hands, the PC is running fine (and I want to get a stand for it to get it off the ground). Can anyone recommend a good one?

The cat is eating again a bit, now that we have her on an appetite stimulant and antibiotics. I hope she keeps it up.

Also, I do have some stuff which I hope to release soon, and would like to maybe submit some things as well but bear with me a while longer.


Where I've Been


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    Well, it's certainly good hearing from you again. I was getting a little worried that you'd wandered off somewhere...

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      Sometimes when I get preoccupied or behind I start to obsess and get quiet, which usually makes it worse. But I'm still here and working on it.