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Cat Update by Malachyte

Jelly is doing very well overall and the surgery seems to have really helped him! He is playing more frequently than he ever has, eating well with no trouble, and enjoying cheek scritches without any jaw pains to interrupt them. However, he has developed a lump on his hind left leg's ankle. It doesn't seem to be bothering him outright, thankfully, but it's quite large.

[Warning for medical talk]

I took him to the vet this morning and they took a tissue sample from it, as well as drained as much blood from it as they could (it's a dark color from trapped blood). The vet is not sure what could have caused this sudden lump, as it was not present during his surgery. The tissue sample was sent to the lab and I will hear back on Tuesday about what they find. The lump isn't really smaller after being drained, meaning it was not just blood but also some hard tissue in there.

[Medical talk over]

My hope is of course that it's benign, or can be removed easily. I'm not sure what is in store just yet, but I'll do whatever needs to be done for him, one way or another I will make it happen. Right now I can afford the lab test just fine thanks to the donations from the fund raising stream, so things are under control! I will keep you all posted.

Cat Update


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    Here's hoping there's nothing too wrong with the kitty.