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Anthro vs Anthropo by AprilTaurus

Due to its total length and the presence of three roots, the "Anthropomorphic animal" definition in the Furry community has been reduced to a single truncated root - "Anthro". But despite the simplicity of writing and pronunciation, this word cannot serve as an independent definition and cannot be used to form other ones.

If the purpose of the "Anthro" definition is to denote exactly anthropomorphic animals, then this word conveys information only about the creature's similarity with a human, and nothing about the animal. At the same time, if the purpose of the "Anthro" definition is to denote any anthropomorphic creatures, then it is too generalized for accurate use. Furthermore, due to its truncated root, this word cannot fully convey its meaning outside the Furry community. While members of the community are accustomed to the fact that the word "Anthro" should mean something anthropomorphic, for the rest of the people this word is just a misspelled root "Anthropo".

In order to solve the aforementioned problems, the word "Anthro" should be discarded and replaced with the root "Anthropo" which can serve to form new independent definitions, be it the adjective "Anthropomorphic" or the compound noun "Anthropoanimal". At the cost of somewhat decreased convenience of writing and pronunciation, phrases such as "anthropomorphic animal", "anthropoanimal" and "anthropobull" convey all the necessary information about the creature without forcing the reader to learn the slang of the Furry community.

Anthro vs Anthropo


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