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2020 Reflection post by Vangabond

2020 is Finally over, and even though this wasn't the greatest start of the decade, it still was a thing.
Anyways this year was really rough, I celebrated a birthday in quarantine (and it's likely that I'll celebrate another one in quarantine again). I had lost 3 family members this year, one to covid the other two for other reasons I won't get into. I also had briefly dated someone for two months some time after my first ex but it did not work out but decided to remain friends after those two months.


However despite those negatives there were some positives, I lost some weight I gained during 2019, and that I came out as an Asexual Biromantic and chose for the time being to be single and work on myself (which is the best option until I decide to date again). Other than that that's it for the positives, I'm not very optimistic going into 2021 (as I was very Optimistic going into the start of this year) and I'm just hoping that I don't relapse with my depression or have my anxiety go into full swing again.

Final note-
On February 22nd 2015, i first created my Deviantart account and started creating stories and at some point Art. It was fun, and in the following years after that I was really creative with my projects. That blissful creative fun younger self is gone, and for the past 5 years I have been relatively active on the internet and 2016 is when I first started chatting and making friends.

What i am trying to get at?, is that all things must come to an end at some point. And on February 22nd of 2025, I'm thinking of ending being this active on the internet, it's just that I'm growing tired of this lifestyle. Even before i started doing this i was a lonely person, who spent too much on the internet more or so while I'm still doing this. I'm missing my pre-internet days like crazy, where I never had to worry about saying the wrong thing or being caught in drama because someone said my name. I have made many friends, a few exes and crushes (and a few enemies) while being online creating content and I just at some point want to move on with my life.

So on February 22nd 2025, will be judgement day, if i will stay here creating content or leave the email attached to it and just leave my accounts alone for others to view long after i have left.

However,if i do choose to leave creating content i'll still be active talking to others online on occasion, as i want to do better with my own life.

Last thing-
I'm feeling very very age insecure as if lately, and i have been feeling more comfortable saying that "I'm 20 years old" vs me saying that I'm going to be 23 next april. So at some point my accounts just may say I'm a 20 year old or a 20 something year old creating content because i feel like I'm in my late 20s to early 30s because i don't act my age, or look my age.

Other than the following things… happy 2021 everyone.

2020 Reflection post


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