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retrospective time by dudewithgames

i have been doing fine throughout the year. though that does not mean that it has been an easy ride. for starters, i was caught off guard by how difficult online classes can be, especially when the switch happened mid semester. granted i could have used my time more efficiently, but regardless, mistakes were made, as going forward into the new year, I hope to conquer my classes and graduate in 2021. One of my professors passed away due to losing the battle with cancer as well. i REALLY hope the family is doing well as he truly was a great guy...i wish the game design curriculum well too with the new team of professors.

before the pandemic started i've hosted the first "fur meet" in a long time apparently in south dakota. as a fur meet is when like minded furries come together to hang out and express themselves whenever it's dressing up in costume or just being creative in terms of art and literature. the most interesting part of hosting one was the whole social aspect of it as there were people from all sorts of different backgrounds. I was surprised people drove a long way for this meet the numbers were a bit small, but controlled at least. to be honest i wished i had more time to foster this community if it wern't for work and school getting in the way. it has been a challenge since then to try to rally people up for online meets or whynot.

this year is where i've discovered vr as well. as a friend try introducing me to vrchat so that i can work on being "more social" have i gotten better socially because of vrchat? who knows, but i know i want to thank the people i have meet in vrchat for helping me get through this wacky year.

competitive smash has definitely been put in the back of my priorities admittedly, but it is not like i still do not care about the scene at all. i still compete when i find the time...and despite ultimate's bad net code i've been still least trying to be up to snuff with ultimate and melee, especially when melee has rollback netcode now which is so SMOOTH FEELING GOOD GOD NINTENDO what are you doing with the scene right now...


though i have been using what i have learned from the smash scene to help the furry scene grow as well. it is amazing just how things kind of click together...

this year i have been more active as an artist as well. it's shocking how little i actually finished artwork in the previous years as i nearly doubled my production which is awesome. i hope in the next year i can be as productive if not more so.

so overall...2020 is the absolute "big booty" between covid and a lot of other issues going on. but I wouldn't say the year has been wasted either.

retrospective time


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