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Beep... beep.. beep. beep by DeRiften

I spent the whole day playing Mass Effect 3, nothing noteworthy happened other than going to the bank to get my rent money and buying food & litter for my ferret. If that's high entertainment for you, your life is boring and you need a hobby :P. Other than that, I had trouble sleeping last night. Woke up around 4:15am hearing weirdass beeps. It was a regular pattern. At first it beeps slow then the interval between each beep regularly gets shorter till it stops after 30 secs of beeping. Then a minute later, the whole pattern starts again. I got up to check where it was coming from. Closed the windows, didn't get less loud so it wasn't from outside. I think it came from my neighbor upstairs which wouldn't be surprising since they're a family of elephants who drop bowling balls, furniture and dishes a dozen time each day, do the laundry two times a week around midnight and sometimes watch a movie past midnight, when they're not arguing with their angsty teenage daughter. An hour later it still hadn't stopped so I went on my computer, put the volume at 1 (I usually keep it at 5) and played classical music. That covered up the beeps and I could get back to sleep within an hour. Still, that cost me a good two hours of sleep so I'm pretty tired right now, which explains why I'm gonna go to sleep early today.

By the way, my throat ache is almost gone, I suspect it'll be gone by tomorrow... granted I rest well this time. G' night peeps.

Beep... beep.. beep. beep


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  • Link

    As I said before if you wanna do some multiplayer on me3 let me know I'll install it and go for a run with ya

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      Oshi I totally forgot about that. I'm planning to do plenty of multiplayer before the final mission to get the readiness to 100% or close. If ya want to, ya can join me :3

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        just let me know :D