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FHL Player Voting: Age Penalty Implementation by FHL

Hello to all Commissioners, GMs, Players and Fans of the FHL,

As we enter the upcoming EXP Spending Season, the Commission is coming to you today with a possible change in policy.

As many of you know, players achieve player growth and development over time through spending of Experience points, thereby improving their stats through Growth Point purchases and Perks. This improves performance from one season to the next.

This system however as many have found has faults. While scaling costs do temper growth at higher levels, the higher rate of performance awards means that players still make some level of gains. While not bad on it’s own, we are finding this leads to players to a higher and higher top tier in comparison to those who have entered the league in a recent season. This high point also makes it harder for newer players to crack those top levels, as that level keeps moving.

Due to this, the Commission has decided to propose the implementation of an “Age Penalty”.

Now the Age Penalty is not attributed to any player's age, as in the end the age itself is simply a flavor of the player; rather, it is attributed to a player's time in the league, with steeper Experience penalties for players that have been part of the league longer. This system we believe will create a leveling off for players at higher levels, while still allowing a player to continue play if they wish (instead of starting fresh with a new rookie).

The Age Penalty works out as follows:

The number of seasons a player has played greater than 4
The number of CGP(GP and Perks Included) greater than 12

For example, a player from Season 1 (thus four seasons) with a CGP of 35 would have a penalty of:


Now, any player who does not qualify for either the years or # CGP of the penalty would have a penalty of 0, thus a player could, if they wished, continue with the league forever at 12 CGP.

The Age Penalty would be applied to a players Experience Gains, reducing the amount of EXP earned by the penalty amount.

It is possible the penalty is greater than the EXP gained for the season. In that case, a player would have an “EXP Debt” and must pay it back by removing growth points, which would be returned at the cost of the CGP. Those points however can come from any stat, so a player could if they wish to weaken a weakness instead of removing a point from where they applied it in the first place.

For fairness reasons, this first season will also come with a retroactive penalty, meaning that a player from earlier seasons will see a compound penalty of all the seasons that would have been applied should the penalty had been implemented the first season. This CGP Base for each season for a player is reduced for each season beyond the first, so as to take into account Seasonal growth.

As an example, a Season 1 player with 35 CGP will have a full penalty of:

9200+5400+3600+800=19000 (by 35 CGP*4 Season, 30 CGP*3 Seasons, 25 CGP*2 Season, 20 GP*1 Season)

With that laid out, we then come to you. Please vote here: and let us know if you wish for us to implement it or not. Voting for this will end on Monday, September 15th, at 11:59pm, and we will follow the plan from that choice.

From the Commissioners, we hope you all are having a good off season and we hope to see you for the EXP Season and the Season 9 Draft.

FHL Player Voting: Age Penalty Implementation


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