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Life and other things update... by StogieGoat

Heya folks!
I know we are in a very problematic time right now, so I am wishing everyone well, and please take all the precautions you can. I hope you all remain safe and healthy! With that being said, So far so good here, me nor the wife have experienced any illness. We are trying to be as cautious as possible and have elected to practice social distancing for the time being. If you must go out to the stores for food, be careful, and be kind to the people at the cash register. They are under a lot of stress right now, and I'm sure they are doing their best! I still plan on having next month be “Ladies of TMNT Month. Any artist who want to participate are welcome too! For the time being Super Rule34 Adventure is on a small hold until I have time to work on more pages. (Hopefully soon!) But I have not given up on the comic, I just got a bit busy for a bit and fell behind, but there will be more to come! Take care all, and stay awesome! ^^come! Take care all, and stay awesome! ^^

Life and other things update...


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