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-facepalm- motherf**ker....-with updates- by mk0987

Update: okay i do apologize from the rage fit earlier.. .w. left over rage when i had an argument with a friend... so yea.. any two of my pals here told me it will continue as planned however,,, downside is that theres a 4 week deadline to give others time to approve weather or not to be postpone or continue pending if the virus continues to spread... so again i do apologize for the rage fit here i will make an update after 4 weeks or the official word is said as i have a friend on FA to keep me updated and such so yea... so this will be updated once further intel is said.. end of update

~end of update~

well so much watching the olympics this year my friend winyer darknight has informed me that Japan has officially postponed them to next year due to Team USA being grounded because of the Corona Virus

so ya thanks a lot china ya really how to blow it on our USA olympic team

-headdesks- shoot... now i have to wait next f**king july to see them briefly.. oi.... this is RH0987 over and out... christ what else can go wrong... eh ya know what don't answer that i don't want to hear it -walks off-


-facepalm- motherf**ker....-with updates-


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