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IRAM, TMNT Ladies Month and then JAM! by StogieGoat

Okay, big update this time folks! I still have a few slots open for IRAM however, if they are not taken by the end of this week I will need to close out my list. Why? Well, I have been wanting to put together my own theme month for a while now. And APRIL would be a really good month for a TMNT Ladies month. (a little on the nose I know) However next month I will be dedicating commissions and art to the ladies of TMNT So that will include Ninjara, Alopex, Mona Lisa, Venus. April and Erma too! If any artists wants to participate I’ll open up a thread on FA and you can plug your stuff as much as you would like. No obligations to participate! So show your appreciation for the females from the TMNT franchise as a whole! Then May is Jenny Appreciation Month, I will be participating in that as well! I will open commission lists for these themed months, but they will be limited as I need to set time aside to work on personal projects and outside work as well. More info to follow! Stay tuned!

IRAM, TMNT Ladies Month and then JAM!


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