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Moving On by Bartan

Just a small update: after the death of my mother, I ended up moving in with a close friend. Unable to upkeep the house with my low income, even with any inheritance (something that would just be drained quickly). I needed to get out of there anyway, too many memories that were just... Haunting me.

The move itself wasn't terrible, but the previous roommate left behind one Hell of a mess. I honestly don't blame her (current roommate) for unable to clean such a thing, let alone after getting the same damn illness me and my mother were plagued with. So after I moved on the 22nd, I spent the past week cleaning with her. We're still not done, due to the garbage truck not coming on the previous Friday to empty the dumpster (and our living room was freaking PACKED with garbage bags).

We didn't have a lot of room to work with, including some place to set up my computer with all the stains on the floor. I barely had a place to sleep, needing to use the tarp that was used to move my bed underneath the mattress so it wouldn't get that horribly stained. I think I worked more this week than I ever had, especially in the cleaning department. We're not done yet, but... Something 'Good' might come out of this.

Regardless, that's why I disappeared for several days: packing, cleaning, unpacking, and getting organized. I don't have the best setup currently, but it's enough to start writing again. Little by little, things will start to feel normal, and though I am having some rough times (like when one of my birds died last Thursday), rough memories... I'm doing alright. Considering.

Your bear will be back to work soon <3

Moving On


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  • Link

    How are things doing Bartan? Finally got my account back.

    • Link

      Heyyy, welcome back mate~

      Things are going well here. Work is a little slow, but I'm adjusting well to the new place. The quarantine kinda has the city locked down (which is the same for pretty much everywhere), but it honestly hasn't effected my life too much. Worried about getting paid next month but who isn't?

      Aside from the account, how are things on your end?

      • Link

        I have gone insane. But at the same time there are people I can talk to to calm myself down. So, with the internet slowing down overtime, it'll get to the point where we won't communicate anymore. And the orwellian socialist censorship society has come towards the table.

        • Link

          Oh dear...
          I'm... Not sure what I can do to offer any help on my end :c
          I mean, prepare for the worst to happen (within reason) but do try to stay positive and smart, okay?
          The fluffball hugs you
          I'm really not certain what I can do aside from that mate, stay safe

          • Link

            Hugs is good for me. I just have to check back here every week or so just so I don't have a bunch of notifications in my inbox.